Work Task

[To Work Order Execution] [To Work Order Planning] [About Work Task Management] [Status Handling on Work Tasks] [About Maintenance Resource Setup] [About Manual Resource Allocation] [About Resource Reallocation] [To Work Order Planning]


Use this window to create a work task or to modify information on a existing work task. Work task can be initiated through a Work order, Maintenance order or can be manually added in Work Task window, depending on the requirement.

A work order can have one or more work tasks connected to it. Work task is an entity which executes the work initiated through a Fault Report or Service request. You can use this window to update information about the faulty equipment if it differs from the reported one. Performed maintenance activities are reported, monitored and invoiced to customer if IFS/Service Management is used, through the work task.

The window consists of several tabs which is used to view, enter or modify information on the work task.
For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Object, Customer, Planning, Materials, Requisitions, Returns, Work Task Steps, Resources, Work Assignments, Sign Off Requirements, Cost, Sales, Task Card, Zones, Condition Meas., Scheduling

Activity Diagrams

Create Work Task
Prepare Document Requirement
Prepare Material
Prepare Planning Information
Prepare Resource Requirement
Prepare Scheduling Data
Book Appointment
Cancel Appointment
Allocation and Monitoring
Assign Work Task to Contractor
Manual Resource Allocation
Schedule Work Task with PSO
Prepare Task Steps
Authorize Work Task Transactions
Execute Work Task
Report Work Task
Transfer Work Task Transactions
Transfer to Customer Order
Conclude Work Task


Enter Complementary Info on Work Task
Define Dependencies
Enter Coordinator
Pre Post Work Task
Set Operational Status
Enter Purchase Requisition Header
Enter Purchase Requisition Lines for External Services
Create Pick List
Release Pick List
Print Pick List
Pick All
Pick with Difference
Copy Work Task
Set or Unset Work Task Onhold
Change Status to Started
Clock In to Work Task
Report Expenses
Report External Costs
Move Reservations
Transport Task Lines
Report performed work
Clock Out from Work Task
Enter document text
Authorize Time Transactions
Authorize Tool/Equipment Transactions
Authorize Manual Expense/External Transactions
Check and Update Accounting
Override Cost Code
Manually Release WIP
Set as Finally Posted
Remove Finally Posted
Conclude Work Task
Cancel Work Task