Work Task/Task Card
Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks/Task Card
Report In Work Order/Work Tasks/Task Card
Work Order Execution Logic/Work Tasks/Task Card
My Work/My Assignments/Task Information/Task Card

[About Serial Structure Changes] [About Condition Based Maintenance Programs] [To Execute Maintenance Visit] [To WO Processing]


Use this tab to view additional task card information for a specific work task. Furthermore, if a work task leads to a structure change on a serial or that a non routine is found, functionality exists to perform this structure change or to report the non routine. Condition measurements can also be performed, if this is a requirement before the work task can be finished.

Activity Diagrams

Execute Work Task
Report Work Task


Replace Serial
Remove Part or Serial
Install Serial
Install Part
Rob Serial
Swap Serials
Perform Condition Measurements
Report Non Routine
Perform Rename of Serials