Authorize Expenses or External Transactions


Use this activity to authorize transactions reported for manual external costs and/or expenses for a work task.These transactions are displayed in Work Task Transactions window.

The transaction status is set as Reported when the external costs or expenses are reported. Once the transaction accountings are in status Valid and are correct, the work task transactions can be authorized. Authorization can be done directly on the work task transaction, or on the cost line that is a result of the reported transaction. It is possible to revoke the authorization in the same manner.

It is possible to automatically authorize external costs and expenses when the work task that holds the transaction is set to Reported by setting the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_EXT and AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_EXP properties for the MaintenanceConfiguration object LU in the System Definitions Object Property to TRUE.


System Effects


Work Task
Work Tasks
Work Task Cost
Work Task Transaction
Work Task Transactions

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task
Work Tasks
Work Task Cost
Work Task Transaction
Work Task Transactions


Use the following procedure to authorize the transaction in the Work Task Transaction or Work Task Transactions window.

  1. Open the Work Task Transaction or Work Task Transactions window.
  2. Query for the work task using the Task No field.
  3. Select the transactions with the Transaction Type: External and/or Expenses.
  4. Right-click and click: Authorize. The work task transaction status is changed to Authorized.
  5. Optionally, right-click and click: Revoke Authorization.

Use the following procedure to authorize the transaction in the Work Task/Cost window.

  1. Open Work Task window.
  2. Query for the work task using the Task No field and click the Cost tab.
  3. Select the relevant Cost Line, for which the work task transaction is a result of.
  4. Right-click and click: Authorize. The work task transaction status is changed to Authorized.
  5. Optionally, authorize all work task transactions for the selected work task, by right-click and click: Authorize All.
  6. Optionally, right-click Revoke Authorization.