Work Task/Returns
Prepare Work Order/Returns
Report in Work Order/Returns

[About Work Task Management] [To Work Order Execution] [To Work Order Planning]


Use this tab to enter and view information on parts that must be returned from a work task to inventory. When you create a new record, enter the quantity of each part you want to return to inventory. By right-clicking on the record and clicking the appropriate option, you can return the entered parts to the inventory with the help of the Return Part to Inventory dialog box.

When a work order is created from a component repair order, and the part is issued to be repaired from the Prepare Work Order/Materials tab, a new line with the Repair Part check box is created. The part that was repaired from the work order can be brought back to the inventory using this tab. The work order cannot be finished before returning the repaired parts to inventory.

When a rental tool is issued to a work task from the Work Task/Materials tab or Prepare Work Order/Materials tab, a new line with corresponding rental ownership is created. The part that was issued to work task can be returned back to inventory using this tab. If the issued part had been rented in from a supplier, an information message is raised asking whether you want to return part back to supplier directly and, you can perform the supplier return process subsequently after the part is returned back to the inventory. Work order cannot be completed before returning the rental parts to inventory.

Activity Diagram

Prepare Material


Return Material