Cube - Project



Main analysis scenarios are:

To see which dimensions that can be used with each fact in, for example Excel pivot analysis, see section Fact and Dimension Connections below.

Overview Facts

Cube Fact (DSV name) Measure Group Referenced Information Source BI Access View Access Type

Each measure in the facts is described in section Measures. Corresponding Information Sources are described below. Detailed information about Information Sources can be found in IFS Online Documentation.


Project Activity Performance Analysis information source is based on IFS/Project Performance Analysis. This information source can be used to design reports that display performance measures and ratios on IFS Engineering Projects.


Project Connection Details information source is based on project connection details of IFS engineering projects. This information source contains details of cost/revenue/hours reported from project connected objects.


Project History Details information source is based on project history logs. This information source can be used to analyze how projects have progressed over time.


Project Forecast Item information source is based on the item information of project budgets and forecasts. This information source can be used to analyze project cost/ revenue estimates and budgets.


Project Forecast Item Period information source is based on the information from forecast spreading. This information source contains the estimate to complete (ETC) values from each forecast spread in to accounting periods.


Project Forecast Snapshot Summary information source is based on summary information of each snapshot in to project ID, subproject, activity, cost element, transaction currency and 10 code parts. This information source allows the analysis of project cost up to a specific cutoff date.


Project Forecast Snapshot information source is based on snapshots with details. This information source contains the details of cost reporting objects in addition to the cost/revenue reported from those objects.


Project Transactions Information source is generated based on the IFS/Project Transactions. This information source allows the analysis of project transaction generated by time, cost and expense reporting.


Invoicing Plans information source is generated based on IFS/project invoicing plan lines. This information source allows the analysis of invoiced and planned invoicing plan lines.

Overview Dimensions

Cube Dimension Note


The cube supports calculation of base currency amounts to a reporting currency. To make this work it is necessary to create/select a currency rate type in one company as the rate source. The relevant configuration lookup must also be defined.

Please Refer technical documentation for more information.


The Project cube is using the Company Reporting Period dimension, which means that it is necessary to create a specific Reporting Period Definition to be used by this cube. The created/selected identity must also be defined in the lookup configuration for the ETL process, using Source = 'Project'.

Please Refer technical documentation for more information.

Fact and Dimension Connections

The following picture shows how different facts in the cube are connected to the available dimensions.




Aggregation of measures is based on SUM if not explicitly noted.

Basic Measures

This sections describes the basic measures in the cube. These are either measures defined in the core Information Source or in the ETL process. The columns have the following meaning:


Measure Measure Group Core Measure ETL Measure Cube Measure Measure Expression Reporting Currency Measure Aggr. Method Note
BAC Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
BCWS Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
BCWP Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
ACWP Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
ETC Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
EAC Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
VAC Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
CV Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
SV Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
IETC Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
IEAC Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
IVAC Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Planned Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Released Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Completed Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Closed Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Cancelled Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Late Planned Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Count Late Released Activity Project Activity Performance Analysis YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
EAC RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM EAC in rerporting currency
BCWP RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM BCWP in reporting currency
IEAC RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM IEAC in reporting currency
BAC RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM BAC in reporting currency
IVAC RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM IVAC in reporting currency
IETC RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM IETC in reporting currency
BCWS RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM BCWS in reporting currency
ETC RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM ETC in reporting currency
VAC RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM VAC in reporting currency
ACWP RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM ACWP in reporting currency
SV RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM SV in reporting currency
CV RC Project Activity Performance Analysis NO YES NO YES YES SUM CV in reporting currency
Count Projects Project Activity Performance Analysis NO NO YES YES YES SUM Distinct count of Projects
Actual Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Actual Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Actual Rev Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue
Baseline Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Baseline Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Committed Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Committed Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Earned Value Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Earned Value Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Rev Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue
Planned Committed Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Planned Committed Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Planned Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Planned Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Planned Rev Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue
Posted Rev Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue
Preliminary Rev Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Scheduled Work Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Scheduled Work Hours Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Used Cost Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Actual Cost Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Transaction Currency
Actual Rev Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Transaction Currency
Committed Cost Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Cost Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Rev Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Transaction Currency
Planned Committed Cost Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Cost Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Transaction Currency
Used Cost Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Rev Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Transaction Currency
Preliminary Rev Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Transaction Currency
Posted Rev Trans Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Rev Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Project Currency
Actual Cost Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Project Currency
Committed Cost Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Project Currency
Estimated Cost Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Project Currency
Estimated Rev Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Cost Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Project Currency
Planned Rev Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Committed Cost Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Project Currency
Posted Rev Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Project Currency
Preliminary Rev Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Project Currency
Used Cost Project Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Project Currency
Actual Cost Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Actual Rev Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Committed Cost Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Cost Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Rev Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Cost Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Rev Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Posted Rev Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Preliminary Rev Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Used Cost Budget Curr Project Connections Detail YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Earned Value Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Earned value cost in reporting currency
Planned Committed Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned committed cost in reporting currency
Actual Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual cost in reporting currency
Posted Revenue RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Posted revenue in reporting currency
Baseline Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Baseline cost in reporting currency
Estimated Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimated cost in reporting currency
Scheduled Work Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Scheduled work cost in reporting currency
Planned Revenue RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned revenue in reporting currency
Planned Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned cost in reporting currency
Used Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Used cost in reporting currency
Actual Revenue RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual revenue in reporting currency
Preliminary Revenue RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Prelimninary revenue in reporting currency
Estimated Revenue RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimated revenue in reporting currency
Committed Cost RC Project Connections Detail NO YES NO YES YES SUM Committed cost in reporting currency
Actual Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Actual Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Baseline Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Baseline Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Committed Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Committed Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Earned Value Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Earned Value Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Estimated Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Estimated Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Planned Committed Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Planned Committed Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Planned Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Planned Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Scheduled Work PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Scheduled Hours PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Used Cost PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty  
Estimated Rev PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Estimated Revenue
Planned Rev PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Revenue
Preliminary Rev PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Preliminary Revenue
Posted Rev PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Posted Revenue
Actual Rev PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Actual Revenue
Actual Cost Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Actual Cost in Transaction Currency
Committed Cost Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Cost Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Estimated Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Committed Cost Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Committed Cost in Transacton Currency
Planned Cost Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Cost in Transaction Currency
Used Cost Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Used Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Rev Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Estimated Revenue in Transaction Currency
Planned Rev Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Revenue in Transaction Currency
Preliminary Rev Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Preliminary Revenue in Transaction Currency
Posted Rev Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Posted Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Rev Trans Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Actual Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Cost Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Actual Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Committed Cost Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Cost Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Estimated Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Cost Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Used Cost Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Used Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Rev Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Estimated Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Rev Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Preliminary Rev Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Preliminary Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Posted Rev Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Posted Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Actual Rev Budget Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Actual Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Actual Cost Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Actual Cost in Project Currency
Committed Cost Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Committed Cost in Project Currency
Estimated Cost Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Estimated Cost in Project Currency
Planned Committed Cost Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Committed Cost in Project Currency
Planned Cost Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Cost in Project Currency
Used Cost Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Used Cost in Project Currency
Estimated Rev Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Estimated Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Rev Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Planned Revenue in Project Currency
Preliminary Rev Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Preliminary Revenue in Project Currency
Posted Rev Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Posted Revenue in Project Currency
Actual Rev Project Curr PHD Project History Details PHD YES NO NO NO NO LastNonEmpty Actual Revenue in Project Currency
Currency Rate Reporting Currency Rate YES YES NO NO NO SUM Currency rate used to calulate amounts to reporting currency.
The core measure is modified in ETL
EAC Net Change Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Posted Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue
Estimated Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Transaction Currency
Unspread Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Unspread Revenue
ETC Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Revenue in Project Currency
Previous EAC Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Cost in Reporting Currency
Unspread Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Unspread Revenue in Transaction Currency
Unspread Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Unspread Cost in Project Currency
Committed Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Project Currency
Posted Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Project Currency
Adjusted ETC Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Cost in Transaction Currency
Connected ETC Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Earned Value Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Earned Value Revenue in Budget Currency
Estimated Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Budget Currency
Adjusted ETC Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Revenue in Transaction Currency
Estimated Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Transaction Currency
Previous EAC Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Cost in Transaction Currency
Budget Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Budget Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
ETC Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Cost
Budget Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Budget Revenue
Adjusted ETC Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Cost
Budget Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Budget Revenue in Project Currency
Previous EAC Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Revenue in Project Currency
Previous ETC Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Cost
Actual Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Unspread Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Unsprtead Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Adjusted ETC Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Revenue
Unspread Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Unspread Cost in Reporting Currency
Earned Value Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Earned Value Cost in Project Currency
Used Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Budget Currency Rate
EAC Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Previous EAC Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Previous ETC Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Connected ETC CCO Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Cost
ETC Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Cost in Transaction Currency
Actual Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual Cost in Reporting Currency
Connected ETC CCO Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Cost in Transaction Currency
Actual Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Transaction Currency
EAC Net Change Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Cost in Transaction Currency
EAC Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Revenue in Transaction Currency
Estimated Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Esimated Cost in Reporting Currency
EAC Net Change Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Revenue in Transaction Currency
EAC Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Cost in Project Currency
Planned Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue
EAC Net Change Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Cost in Project Currency
Planned Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Project Currency
Used Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Actual Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue
Earned Value Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Earned Value Revenue in Transaction Currency
Adjusted ETC Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Cost in Project Currency
Previous ETC Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Cost in Reporting Currency
Posted Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Transaction Currency
Connected ETC CCO Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Cost in Project Currency
EAC Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Budget Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Budget Cost in Reporting Currency
Preliminary Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Transaction Currency
Previous EAC Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Cost in Transaction Currency
Connected ETC Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Cost in Transaction Currency
Previous ETC Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Revenue
Previous ETC Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
EAC Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Cost in Transaction Currency
EAC Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Cost
EAC Net Change Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Cost
Connected ETC Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Cost
Used Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Used Cost in Reporting Currency
EAC Net Change Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Committed Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Project Currency
Previous ETC Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Revenue in Project Currency
Connected ETC Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Earned Value Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Earned Value Revenue
Budget Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Budget Cost in Project Currency
EAC Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Revenue
Preliminary Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue
Actual Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
EAC Net Change Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Cost
Actual Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Project Currency
Connected ETC Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Revenue in Project Currency
Committed Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Project Currency
Preliminary Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Transaction Currency
EAC Net Change Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Connected ETC CCO Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Cost in Budget Currency Rate
EAC Net Change Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Revenue
Actual Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Transaction Currency
Connected ETC CCO Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Connected ETC Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Cost in Project Currency
ETC Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Revenue in Transaction Currency
EAC Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate At Completion Revenue
ETC Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Previous EAC Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Revenue
Connected ETC CCO Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Revenue in Transaction Currency
Unspread Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Earned Value Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Earned Value Cost in Budget Currency Rate
ETC Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimate To Complete Cost in Reporting Currency
Previous EAC Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Cost
Budget Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Budget Cost in Transaction Currency
Budget Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Budget Revenue in Transaction Currency
Previous EAC Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
ETC Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Cost
Committed Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
EAC Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimate At Completion Cost
Actual Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Used Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Project Currency
Planned Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Earned Value Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Earned Value Cost in Reporting Currency
Previous ETC Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Revenue in Transaction Currency
Planned Committed Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Budget Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Budget Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Budget Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Connected ETC Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Revenue in Transaction Currency
Previous ETC Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Committed Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Committed Cost in Reporting Currency
ETC Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Cost in Project Currency
Previous ETC Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Cost in Project Currency
Previous EAC Rev Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Revenue in Transaction Currency
Adjusted ETC Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
ETC Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimate To Complete Revenue
Connected ETC CCO Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Revenue in Project Currency
Connected ETC Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Revenue
Adjusted ETC Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Earned Value Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Earned Value Revenue in Project Currency
Connected ETC CCO Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Revenue
Unspread Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Unspread Revenue in Project Currency
Earned Value Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Preliminary Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Project Currency
Actual Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Cost Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Project Currency
Unspread Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Unspread Cost in Transaction Currency
Committed Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Adjusted ETC Rev Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Cost in Reporting Currency
Estimated Rev PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue
Planned Committed Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Posted Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Unspread Rev Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Unspread Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Used Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Cost PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Earned Value Cost Trans Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Earned Value Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Cost Budget Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Revenue Proj Curr PFI Project Forecast Item PFI YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Project Currency
ETC Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimate To Complete Revenue in Reporting Currency
Earned Value Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Earned Value Revenue in Reporting Currency
Adjusted ETC Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Revenue in Reporting Currency
Actual Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual Revenue in Reporting Currency
Unspread Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Unspread Revenue in Reporting Currency
Estimated Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimated Revenue in Reporting Currency
Posted Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Posted Revenue in Reporting Currency
Previous EAC Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Previous Estimate At Completion Revenue in Reporting Currency
Connected ETC Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Cost in Reporting Currency
Connected ETC CCO Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Cost in Reporting Currency
Preliminary Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Preliminary Revenue in Reporting Currency
Previous ETC Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Previous Estimate To Complete Revenue in Reporting Currency
Connected ETC CCO Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Contract Change Order Revenue in Reporting Currency
Planned Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Revenue in Reporting Currency
Budget Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Budget Revenue in Reporting Currency
Adjusted ETC Cost RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Adjusted Estimate To Complete Cost in Reporting Currency
Connected ETC Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Connected Estimate To Complete Revenue in Reporting Currency
EAC Net Change Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimate At Completion Net Change Revenue in Reporting Currency
EAC Rev RC PFI Project Forecast Item PFI NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimate At Completion Revenue in Reporting Currency
Connected Cost Trans Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Cost in Transaction Currency
Rev PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Revenue
Connected Cost Proj Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Cost in Project Currency
Cost Budget Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Cost Proj Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Cost in Project Currency
Connected Rev Proj Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Revenue in Project Currency
Cost PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Rev Trans Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Revenue in Transaction Currency
Connected Rev Trans Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Revenue in Transaction Currency
Rev Proj Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Revenue in Project Currency
Connected Cost Budget Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Connected Cost RC PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP NO YES NO YES YES SUM Connected Cost in Reporting Currency
Cost Trans Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Cost in Transaction Currency
Connected Cost PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Rev Budget Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Connected Rev RC PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP NO YES NO YES YES SUM Connected Revenue
Connected Rev Budget Curr PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Rev RC PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP NO YES NO YES YES SUM Revenue in Reporting Currency
Cost RC PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP NO YES NO YES YES SUM Cost in Reporting Currency
Connected Rev PFP Project Forecast Item Period PFP YES NO NO NO NO SUM Connected Revenue
Preliminary Rev Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Planned Rev Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Preliminary Rev PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue
Actual Cost Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Cost Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Project Currency
Estimated Rev Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Rev Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Project Currency
Actual Rev Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Transaction Currency
Committed Cost Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Project Currency
Planned Committed Cost Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Rev Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Estimated Cost PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Rev PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue
Posted Rev Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Posted Rev Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Committed Cost Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Project Currency
Preliminary Rev Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Transaction Currency
Used Cost Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Actual Rev Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Project Currency
Actual Cost Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Transaction Currency
Posted Rev Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Cost PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Cost Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Cost PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Preliminary Rev Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Project Currency
Planned Cost Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Cost Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Project Currency
Committed Cost PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Committed Cost Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Cost Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Transaction Currency
Posted Rev PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue
Planned Rev Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Rev PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue
Used Cost Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Transaction Currency
Actual Rev Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Used Cost Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Project Currency
Planned Rev PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue
Used Cost PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Cost Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Rev Trans Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Cost Proj Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Project Currency
Committed Cost Budget Curr PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Rev RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Revenue in Reporting Currency
Planned Cost RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Cost in Reporting Currency
Used Cost RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Used Cost in Reporting Currency
Planned Committed Cost RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Committed Cost in Reporting Currency
Estimated Rev RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimated Revenue in Reporting Currency
Posted Rev RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Posted Revenue in Reporting Currency
Committed Cost RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Committed Cost in Reporting Currency
Actual Rev RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual Revenue in Reporting Currency
Actual Cost RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual Cost in Reporting Currency
Preliminary Rev RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Preliminary Revenue in Reporting Currency
Estimated Cost RC PFS Project Forecast Snapshot PFS NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimated Cost in Reporting Currency
Planned Cost Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Cost Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Project Currency
Estimated Rev Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Project Currency
Preliminary Rev Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Cost PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Cost Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Project Currency
Planned Cost Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Rev Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Rev Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Transaction Currency
Posted Rev Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Project Currency
Preliminary Rev Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Used Cost Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Transaction Currency
Estimated Rev PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue
Preliminary Rev Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue in Project Currency
Estimated Cost PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Used Cost Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Project Currency
Actual Rev Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Committed Cost Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Cost PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Estimated Cost Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Posted Rev Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Preliminary Rev PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Preliminary Revenue
Committed Cost Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Project Currency
Planned Committed Cost Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Planned Committed Cost Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Committed Cost in Project Currency
Used Cost PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Posted Rev Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue in Transaction Currency
Used Cost Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Used Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Actual Rev Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Transaction Currency
Actual Cost Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Budget Currency Rate
Actual Cost Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Rev PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue
Actual Rev Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue in Project Currency
Estimated Rev Budget Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Revenue in Budget Currency Rate
Actual Cost Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Cost in Project Currency
Planned Rev Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Transaction Currency
Estimated Cost Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Estimated Cost in Transaction Currency
Committed Cost Trans Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Committed Cost in Transaction Currency
Planned Rev Proj Curr PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Planned Revenue in Project Currency
Actual Rev PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Actual Revenue
Committed Cost PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Posted Rev PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD YES NO NO NO NO SUM Posted Revenue
Committed Cost RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Committed Cost in Reporting Currency
Used Cost RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Used Cost in Reporting Currency
Planned Cost RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned  Cost in Reporting Currency
Planned Committed Cost RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Committed Cost in Reporting Currency
Preliminary Rev RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Preliminary Revenue in Reporting Currency
Actual Rev RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual Revenue in Reporting Currency
Estimated Rev RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimated Revenue in Reporting Currency
Estimated Cost RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Estimated Cost in Reporting Currency
Planned Rev RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Revenue in Reporting Currency
Actual Cost RC PSD Project Forecast Snapshot With Details PSD NO YES NO YES YES SUM Actual Cost in Reporting Currency
Sales Amount Base Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Sales Amount Basis Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Sales Price Basis Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Total Internal Price Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Markup Amount Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Internal Amount Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Sales Price Base Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Internal Price Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Alternative Cost Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Sales Quantity Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Overhead Price Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Markup Price Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Sales Amount Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Sales Price Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO AverageOfChildren  
Internal Quantity Project Transactions YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Markup Amount RC Project Transactions NO YES NO YES YES SUM Markup Amount in Reporting Currency
Alternative Cost RC Project Transactions NO YES NO YES YES SUM Alternative Cost in Reporting Currency
Sales Amount RC Project Transactions NO YES NO YES YES SUM Sales Amount in Reporting Currency
Internal Amount RC Project Transactions NO YES NO YES YES SUM Internal Amount in Reporting Currency
Invoicing Plan Sales Amount Invoicing Plans YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Planned Sales Amount Base Invoicing Plans YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Invoiced Sales Amount Base Invoicing Plans YES NO NO NO NO SUM  
Planned Sales Amount RC Invoicing Plans NO YES NO YES YES SUM Planned Sales Amount in Reporting Currency
Invoiced Sales Amount RC Invoicing Plans NO YES NO YES YES SUM Invoiced Sales Amount in Reporting Currency

Calculated Measures

Calculated measures are in the cube calculated with respect to other measures. The table below defines the general meaning/definition of each calculated measure.

Measure Meaning
Project Margin Actual Revenue - Actual Cost
Project Margin RC Actual Revenue RC - Actual Cost RC
Project Margin % Project Margin / Actual Revenue
Project Margin % RC Project Margin RC / Actual Revenue RC
Cost Progress % Earned Value Cost / Planned Cost (excluding activities not part of progress calculation)
Cost Progress % RC Earned Value Cost RC / Planned Cost RC (excluding activities not part of progress calculation)
CPI If ACWP > 0 then ROUND(BCWP/ACWP),2) else if BCWP > 0  then 1 else NULL
Hours Progress % Earned Value Hours / Planned Hours (excluding activities not part of progress calculation)
Completed Activities % Count Completed Activity / Count Activity
Actual vs Scheduled % ACWP / BCWS
Actual vs Scheduled % RC ACWP RC / BCWS RC
CPI RC If ACWP RC > 0 then ROUND(BCWP RC/ACWP RC),2) else if BCWP RC > 0  then 1 else NULL
SPI If BCWS > 0 then ROUND(BCWP/BCWS),2) else if BCWP > 0 then 1 else NULL
SPI RC If BCWS RC > 0 then ROUND(BCWP RC/BCWS RC),2) else if BCWP RC > 0 then 1 else NULL
Cost Progress % PHD Earned Value Cost PHD / Planned Cost PHD (excluding activities not part of progress calculation)
Cost Progress % RC PHD Earned Value Cost RC PHD / Planned Cost RC PHD (excluding activities not part of progress calculation)
Hours Progress % PHD Earned Value Hours PHD / Planned Hours PHD (excluding activities not part of progress calculation)


Time Based Measures

Time based measures are calculated in the cube with respect to other measures. The table below defines the meaning/definition of the different time measures. These measures need to be used with a specific time dimension defined in the table below.

Measure Meaning
YTD Year to Date
Aggregated value for current month in current year. E.g. for period 201210 Ytd represents sum of periods 201201-201210.
Based on [REPORTING_DATE].[Month Hierarchy]
R12 Rolling 12 (completed) Months
For a given period, the sum all months from one year back up to the previous month. E.g. Rolling 12 for 201210 is the sum of months 201110 - 201209
Based on [REPORTING_DATE].[Month Hierarchy]
PY Previous Year
The value of the corresponding month one year back. E.g. for month 201210, the value of month 201110.
Based on [REPORTING_DATE].[Month Hierarchy]
YTD PY Year to Date Previous Year
Aggregated value for corresponding month one year back. E.g. for month 201210 YTD Previous Year represents sum of months 201101-201110.
Based on [REPORTING_DATE].[Month Hierarchy]
R12 PY Rolling 12 (completed) Months Previous Year
For a given month, first going one year back, then taking the sum of all months from one (more) year back up to the previous month. E.g. for month 201210 the sum of month 201010-201109
Based on [REPORTING_DATE].[Month Hierarchy]
Avg XXX Ytd Sum XXX Ytd/Count XXX Ytd
Avg XXX Rolling 12 Sum XXX Rolling 12/Count XXX Rolling 12
XXX % Ytd Count XXX Ytd/Count YYY Ytd
XXX % Rolling 12 Count XXX Rolling 12/Count XXX Rolling 12

Included Example Reports and Dashboards

This section lists dashboards and reports in the example content for the BI Analysis Package that is using this cube:

UI Name Type
Project Analysis Excel Dashboard
Project Cost - Revenue Analysis Excel Dashboard
Unfinished Activities Report
CPI - SPI APC - Analysis Panel Component
Cost Variance APC - Analysis Panel Component
Schedule Variance APC - Analysis Panel Component

Required Components

The BI specific and also related core components listed in this section are required, i.e. they must along with other dependent components, be part of the customer installation to successfully use this cube.

Note: that only directly used components are listed. Each such component can have its own list of dependent components. Please refer to the Component Deployment Profile File for each component to get the full picture.

Component Type Component Name Product
BISEDI BI BI Services Dimensions Business Intelligence
APTOOL BI Common scripts and utilities, BI Anapac Business Intelligence
APPSDI BI Application Services Analysis Package Dimension Business Intelligence
ENTEDI BI Enterprise Analysis Package Dimensions Business Intelligence
ACCRDI BI Accounting Rules Analysis Package Dimensions Business Intelligence
ACCRFT BI Accounting Rules Analysis Package Fact Business Intelligence
PROJDI BI Project Analysis Package Dimensions Business Intelligence
PROJFT BI Project Analysis Package Facts Business Intelligence
PJCOMC BI Project Common Cube Business Intelligence
ENTERP CORE Enterprise Financials
ACCRUL CORE Accounting Rules Financials
PROJ CORE Project Projects

BI Component: PJCOMC