Production Receipt

[About Rules for Repetitive Backflush]

[To Production Schedule Planning] [To Production Schedule Manufacturing]


Use this window to report production as a record of events against the plan. When a finished part or subassembly is produced and the part is to be put into inventory, the components and operations are backflushed. The default value when reporting production is to update the schedule by selecting Scheduled in the Sched Option list. If no schedule quantities exist for the part, you must select Unscheduled before the receipt can be performed. You can specify either the structure/routing revision, or the structure/routing alternate to be backflushed. There is no ability to receive a byproduct or substitute part while doing the production receipt. You are also allowed to edit a copy of the product structure to include component substitution or variations. For a given component, you can create manual assignments for specific locations, lot/batches, deviation numbers, etc. to be used when backflush occurs. The objective is to maintain the correct inventory levels for finished items, their subassemblies, and their components.

Activity Diagrams

Production completion receipt
Report point receipt


Production receipt
Production receipt with edit components
Production receipt with catch unit components
Production receipt with serials
Production receipt with multi level serials

Production scrap
Production scrap with edit components
Production scrap with catch unit components