Production Scrap with Catch Unit Components 


This activity is used to handle completion of scrap, for catch unit enabled component parts in production schedules. A catch unit is enabled to allow a specific inventory part to manage two parallel units of measure. Information regarding both quantities, inventory and catch, are saved on every inventory transaction record. If the part to be scrapped consists of at least one catch unit enabled component part, the component quantity must be reserved so that it will be issued in both the inventory unit of measure (UoM) and the catch UoM, while scrapping the parent part.    


System Effects


Production Receipt   
Production Schedule By Line 
Production Schedule By Line Part
Production Line Management 

Related Window Descriptions

Production Receipt
Production Schedule By Line  
Production Schedule By Line Part
Production Line Management
Production Line Management/Current Production Schedule


From the Production Receipt window:

  1. Open the Production Receipt window.
  2. Populate or query for appropriate production line that you want to report scrap for.
  3. Right-click and then click Scrap Receipt. The Scrap Receipt dialog box will appear.
  4. In the Scrap Receipt dialog box, select Immediate Backflush or Defer Backflush in the Backflush list.
  5. In the Sched Option list, select Unscheduled or Schedule.
  6. In the Structure area, specify structure revision and the structure alternate. You can also specify the routing revision and the routing alternate if you want.
  7. In the Production Scrap area, enter the quantity scrapped in the Qty Scrapped field. Click the Scrap Reasons field and then click List to select from the available scrap reasons. If catch unit is enabled for the parent part, you have the choice of entering scrapped catch quantities.
  8. In the Report Point area, select the Complete Scrap check box to indicate that this is the complete scrap for the manufacturing process.
  9. To edit the components, click Components. The Production Receipt Material dialog box will appear.
  10. In the Production Receipt Material dialog box, type a value in the Qty To Issue field.
  11. To change components, click New. The cursor appears in the Part To Issue field. Click List to select from the available parts. Next, type a value in the Qty To Issue field.
  12. Save.
  13. To reserve the components before backflushing, select the components and then click Assign. The Production Receipt Reservation dialog box will appear.
  14. In the Production Receipt Reservation dialog box, click Create. The Inventory Part Location dialog box will appear.
  15. In the Inventory Part Location dialog box, select a location. Click OK.
  16. In the Production Receipt Reservation dialog box, enter a value in the Qty Assigned field. Save, then click OK when the reservations are done.
  17. When you have finished editing and reserving the components, click OK to run the backflush. 

From the Production Schedule by Line or Production Line Management/Current Production Schedule window:

  1. Search for the production line.
  2. Select the production schedule line for which you want to report scrap. Right-click and then click Scrap Receipt. The Scrap Receipt dialog box appears.
  3. In the Scrap Receipt dialog box, select Immediate Backflush or Defer Backflush in the Backflush list.
  4. Select Unscheduled or Schedule in the Sched Option list.
  5. In the Structure area, specify the structure revision and the structure alternate. You can also specify the routing revision and the routing alternate if you want.
  6. In the Production Scrap area, type the quantity scrapped in the Qty Scrapped field. Click the Scrap Reasons field and then click List to select from the available scrap reasons. If the catch unit is enabled for the parent part, you can enter scrapped catch quantities; however this is optional.
  7. In the Report Point group box, select the Complete Scrap check box to indicate that this is the complete scrap for the manufacturing process.
  8. To edit the components, click Components. The Production Receipt Material dialog box will appear.
  9. In the Production Receipt Material dialog box, enter a value in the Qty To Issue field.
  10. To change components, click New. The cursor appears in the Part To Issue field. Click List to select from the available parts. Next, enter a value in the Qty To Issue field.
  11. Save.
  12. To reserve components before backflushing, select the components and then click Assign. The Production Receipt Reservation dialog box will will appear.
  13. In the Production Receipt Reservation dialog box, click Create. The Inventory Part Location dialog box will appear.
  14. In the Inventory Part Location dialog box, select a location. Click OK.
  15. In the Production Receipt Reservation dialog box, enter a value in the Qty Assigned field. Save, then click OK when the reservations are done.
  16. When you have finished editing and reserving the components, click OK to run the backflush. 

From the Production Schedule by Line Part window:

  1. Search for the part.
  2. Select the production schedule line for which you want to report scrap. Right-click and then click Scrap Receipt. The Scrap Receipt dialog box appears.
  3. In the Scrap Receipt dialog box, select Immediate Backflush or Defer Backflush in the Backflush list.
  4. In the Sched Option list, select Unscheduled or Schedule.
  5. In the Structure area, specify the structure revision and the structure alternate. You can also specify the routing revision and the routing alternate if you want.
  6. In the Production Scrap area, enter the quantity scrapped in the Qty Scrapped field. Click the Scrap Reasons field and then click List to select from the available scrap reasons. If the catch unit is enabled for the parent part, you can enter scrapped catch quantities; however this is optional.
  7. In the Report Point area, select the Complete Scrap check box to indicate that this is the complete scrap for the manufacturing process.
  8. To edit the components, click Components. The Production Receipt Material dialog box will appear.
  9. In the Production Receipt Material dialog box, enter the quantity to issue in the Qty To Issue field.
  10. To change components, click New. The cursor appears in the Part To Issue field. Click List to select from the available parts. Next, enter a value in the Qty To Issue filed.
  11. Save.
  12. To reserve the components before backflushing, select the components and then click Assign. The Production Receipt Reservation dialog box will appear.
  13. In the Production Receipt Reservation dialog box, click Create. The Inventory Part Location dialog box will appear.
  14. In the Inventory Part Location dialog box, select a location. Click OK.
  15. In the Production Receipt Reservation dialog box, enter a value in the Qty Assigned field. Save and then click OK when the reservations are done.
  16. When you have finished editing and reserving the components, click OK to run the backflush.