Handling Unit/Structure

[About Handling Units] [To Handle Inventory]


Use this tab to define the contents of a handling unit and also define the underlying handling unit structure for a specific handling unit. The purpose of a handling unit structure is describe the packing as done in one or several levels for pallets, boxes etc. and parts 

Together with a detailed definition of part unit weight and package material weight (tare), it is also possible to automatically calculate the correct net and gross weight as well as the total volume for a handling unit structure. However, the gross weight and volume can also be manually entered per handling unit. The dimensions of the handling units can also be viewed and updated. Note that dimensions for the shipment are retrieved from the outer most handling unit.

Some of these measures are then used when performing putaway of handling units and are also printed on some labels and reports.

It is possible to manually modify or create a new handling unit structure and pack manually in this window by adding handling units and attaching parts. It is also possible to generate a handling structure and attach parts automatically using the definition for handling unit capacity or packing instruction.

A handling unit structure on a shipment can be a multi-level structure. This means that the handling unit structure can be defined as just one level, for example all parts packed on a pallet, or it can be an n-level structure, for example small boxes packed into larger boxes which are then put on a pallet (this would represent a 3-level structure).

The composition of a handling unit can be described as three different types: When a structure is created, it automatically detects the composition of the handling unit.

The structure provides detail tracking such as, in which box and on which pallet a specific inventory part number is packed. It is also possible to create a serial shipping container code (SSCC) handling units This is done for the relevant handling unit nodes in a handling unit structure but can also be triggered on demand for specific handling units.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Handling Units, Unattached Inventory Part in Stock, Unattached Inventory Parts in Arrival

Activity Diagrams

BDR Enter Handling Unit


Perform putaway
Change availability control ID
Change W/D/R
Receive from Transit
Change expiration date
Transfer ownership to company
Transfer ownership between customers
Transfer company owned to company rental asset
Transfer company rental asset to company owned
Add Handling Units
Delete Handling Unit
Connect Handling Unit Accessories
Apply Packing instruction(s)
Create SSCC(s)
Print Handling Unit Label(s)
Print Handling Unit Content Label(s)
Attach Parts to Handling Unit
Unattach Parts from Handling Unit
Pack According to Handling Unit Capacity
Move with Transport Task