Handling Unit

[About Handling Units] [To Handle Inventory]


Use this window to view information about handling units. A handling unit is a way to represent the packing of products. It is one uniquely identified physical unit which can contain parts and can be independently distributed and transported. Several handling units can be combined into a handling unit structure, for example a pallet with two boxes where each box contains parts.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Structure.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Handling Units
BDR Enter Handling Unit


Create Handling Unit
Enter Handling Unit Categories
Enter Handling Unit Types
Enter Handling Unit Accessories
Enter Capacity for Handling Unit
Populate Parent Handling Unit ID as Master
Populate Top Parent Handling Unit ID as Master
Change Parent Handling Unit ID
Create Handling Units according to Packing Instruction
Transfer ownership to company
Transfer ownership between customers
Transfer company owned to company rental asset
Transfer company rental asset to company owned
Transfer to Project Inventory
Transfer to Standard Inventory
Receive from Transit