Set Structure/Routing Alternate Plannable Product Structure Planning Structure Recipe Structure Routing Configuration Structure Planning Structure Routing Alternates Configuration Structure Routing Recipe Structure Product Structure Scale Recipe Batch Size Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Set Structure Component as Lot/Batch Origin Product Structure Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Product Structure Adjust Batch Size from Recipe Line Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Set Structure/Routing Alternate Buildable Product Structure Recipe Structure Routing Configuration Structure Configuration Structure Routing Recipe Structure Product Structure Routing Alternates Breakdown Error Message Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Adjust Components and Batch Size Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Enter Lot Size Based Structures Recipe Structure Product Structure Product Structure Product Structure Alternate Recipe Structure Adjust Largest Share Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Connect Packing Instruction to Structure Alternate Product Structure Recipe Structure Configuration Structure Structure Alternates Manufacturing Structure Alternates Configuration Structure Recipe Structure Product Structure Adjust Yield from Recipe Line Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Create HSE Batch Transfer Messaging Recipe Structure Graphic Transfer Structures to HSE Transfer Structures to HSE Recipe Structure Adjust Proportionally Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Enter Rework Structure Alternate Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Adjust Yield from Alternate Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Product Structures Planning Structures Recipe Structures Configuration Structures Define Alternate Components Alternate Components Alternate Component Product Structure Product Structure Alternate Component Alternate Components Product Structures Recipe Structures Planning Structures Configuration Structures Set Structure Component as Expiration Date Origin Product Structure Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Product Structure Connect Work Guideline to Structure Component Product Structure Configuration Structure Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Configuration Structure Product Structure Adjust Batch Size from Alternate Recipe Structure Recipe Structure Breakdown Recipe Recipe Structure Breakdown Recipe Structures Recipe Structure Recalculate Recipe Recalculate Recipe Recalculate Recipe Adjust Components Recipe Structure Recipe Structure