Connect Packing Instruction to Structure Alternate


Use this activity to connect a packing instruction to a structure alternate. A packing instruction describes how to pack goods when receiving a shop order to stock.


The lowest level handling unit type in the packing instruction must have a max capacity defined for the part in the Part/Handling Unit Capacity window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity a packing instruction will be connected to the structure alternate and automatically copied to the shop orders using this structure alternate.


Product Structure
Recipe Structure
Configuration Structure
Structure Alternates

Related Window Descriptions

Product Structure
Product Structure/Product Structure
Recipe Structure
Recipe Structure/Recipe Structure
Configuration Structure
Configuration Structure/Config Structure
Structure Alternates


  1. Search for the structure alternate to connect the packing instruction to.
  2. Enter the packing instruction in the Packing Instruction ID field, or use the List of Values to select from available packing instructions.
  3. Save the record.