Recipe Structures

A recipe structure identifies the ingredients used to make up a parent recipe part. Recipe structure is a generic definition. Production orders for a recipe part might involve order-specific changes to this list of needed ingredients, but the list of ingredients for the order is initially created in accordance with the recipe structure definition of the ordered recipe part.

Recipe structures are an alternative to the traditional product structure, allowing you to enter components by weight and volume. If you change a part of a recipe structure, you can recalculate the structure. Recipe structures are used in the same way as product structures in the shop order process. The component parts you include in a recipe structure must have either volume or weight as unit of measure, if they are to be included in the recipe calculations.

IFS/Master Scheduling (MS) uses recipe structures to determine which ingredients are in demand. Recipe structures are also used by discrete and repetitive manufacturing to determine the ingredients required to make a recipe part. In addition, they are also used in calculating costs and production lead times. When dealing with recipe parts, much of planning and manufacturing depends on recipe structure definitions.

Recipe structures are divided into three elements: the recipe structure header, the recipe structure alternate, and the recipe structure line items.

Recipe Structure Header

A structure header is where the recipe part, site, and revision are identified. It is also where the type of recipe structure is indicated. A recipe structure type can be either Manufacturing or Prototype. A structure header is automatically created when a new part revision is created for an inventory part of part type Manufactured Recipe.

Note: A structure with the type Prototype creates a unique part revision with the Prototype Part Revision Prefix defined in the Site/Manufacturing tab.

Recipe Structure Alternate

A structure alternate defines the state of a recipe structure. An alternate represents a slightly different way of making the same recipe part. The differences might be based on the amount of the parent recipe part being produced, use of acceptable alternate ingredients, or another nonstandard condition that indicates a different recipe.  All structure headers have at least one structure alternate defined. This is known as the default alternate and is indicated with an asterisk (*) in the Alternate No field.
A structure alternate also defines how the recipe is entered. A recipe can be entered in different ways, depending on how the option Enter by is selected. For more details about the differences in how to enter a recipe structure, see section about recipe structure lines below.

Batch Size and Yield

In the alternate head, you also define the batch size and yield for the structure alternate. When components are added to the recipe, the summary of the components are visible in alternate head. To be able to save a recipe when any component line is added, Batch Size by Weight must equal Comp Sum by Weight * Yield. If this not the case there are different ways to adjust the recipe from a component line, depending on the value of Enter by.

Batch size and summary of components are presented in both weight and volume. The value of Comp Sum by Volume is the summary of the volume for each component, calculated by using the density for each component from Inventory Part/Manufacturing. The value of Batch Size by Volume is calculated from the Batch Size by Weight together with the theoretical density for the recipe.

Adjust Recipe Alternate

When the recipe is saved, there are functions to adjust the recipe batch size, summary of components and the yield by using a right mouse button option from the alternate head. For example, this can be useful when there is a need to adjust the summary of the components to fit a production vessel with a maximum volume.


If the Rework check box is selected it is possible to use the parent part or a part with a circular reference to the parent part as a component part in the structure. This option can only be selected for an alternate other than *, or if it is not a lot size based alternate.

Recipe Structure Line Items

Structure line items are the ingredients/components of the recipe structure. Each line item identifies an ingredient/component part.

Enter By

Depending on which Enter by option that is selected in the Recipe Structure Alternate, there are different ways to enter the quantity of each component:

Enter By Enter Quantity of Component as
Qty Weight UoM the quantity needed of the component in the Weight UoM of the alternate, to produce the Batch Size by Weight of the alternate.
Weight Share the percentage of each component relative to the Batch Size by Weight of the alternate.
Parts by Weight the relative proportion of each component to produce the alternate.
Qty UoM the quantity needed in the unit of measure of the component, to produce the Batch Size by Weight of the alternate.
Qty per Assembly the quantity needed of the unit of measure of the component, to produce one parent part.*

If the summary of the components is not according to the batch size and yield of the alternate, there are functions available to adjust the components, batch size or yield so that the weight share for the recipe is 100%. Some quantities are recalculated during the entry of the recipe alternate, but it is not until the recipe is saved that all amounts will be correctly calculated. When the recipe is saved, there will be a recalculation if a new theoretical density has been calculated for the parent part.

* If the parent part has a unit in volume it is not recommended to register recipes using Enter by equal to Qty per Assembly. Since there is no density calculated for the parent part the values for the components will be wrong when the recipe is first saved. In these cases you need you use RMB option Breakdown Recipe to get the correct values for the components.

The steps of calculations depending on which Entered By option is selected:

Independently from the Enter by option, all the other quantities for each component are calculated when the recipe is saved. However, the order of calculation differs depending on the Enter by option:

Enter By Order of calculation
Qty Weight UoM Qty Weight UoM » Weight Share » Qty per Assembly, Qty UoM and Parts by Weight*
Weight Share Weight Share » Qty Weight UoM » Qty per Assembly, Qty UoM and Parts by Weight*
Parts by Weight Parts by Weight » Weight Share » Qty Weight UoM, Qty per Assembly and Qty UoM
Qty UoM Qty UoM » Weight Share » Qty Weight UoM, Qty per Assembly and Parts by Weight*
Qty per Assembly Qty per Assembly » Weight Share » Qty Weight UoM, Qty UoM and Parts by Weight*

* If the recipe is not entered in parts by weight, the parts by weight will have the same ratio as the weight share and the total parts by weight will be 100.

Adjust a recipe from a structure line

The options available to adjust a recipe depends on the selected Enter by option on the recipe alternate.

If the Enter by is either Qty Weight UoM or Qty UoM, the available adjustment options are:

If the Enter By is either Weight Share or Qty per Assembly, the available adjustment options are:

If the Enter By is Parts by Weight, there is no need to adjust the recipe; the total weight share is always 100%.

Scale recipe from one component

It is possible to scale the recipe and all other components from one single component in the recipe structure, by using the right mouse button option Scale Recipe by Component. This is useful for example if the package size of one component has been changed.

Exclude from Calculations

The component can be defined to not be a part of recipe calculations. If the component has a unit that is not weight or volume, the Exclude from Calculations check box will be selected. If the component has a unit in weight or volume the check box can be selected when the component is added to the recipe. When the recipe has been saved the check box is not updatable. If the Exclude from Calculations check box is selected, it is only possible to enter value in the Qty per Assembly or Qty UoM depending on the selections of Enter By. For those components, there will be no values for Qty Weight UoM, Weight Share and Parts by Weight. If batch size is adjusted and recalculated the Qty UoM is not updated if Exclude from Calculation check box is checked.

Non-Consumed Item

The component can be identified as a Non-Consumed Item. This means that the component appears in the recipe structure, but demand for that component will not be generated when an order is created for the parent recipe part. An ingredient may also be associated with an operation number from the routing for the parent recipe part.  This indicates that the component is to be issued or used during the indicated operation. Functions within shop order operation reporting will automatically issue component linked to specific operations, and a pick list report can be generated for an operation, showing only components linked to that operation.

Lot/batch origin item

The component can also be defined as lot/batch origin item. Parent part will then inherit the expiration date from the lot/batch origin item or calculate it based on the manufacturing date of the lot/batch origin item, depending on if the parent part has a shelf life or not. Parent part will also inherit the lot/batch number from the lot/batch origin item, with a suffix attached. An item can only be named as lot/batch origin for shop orders.



Formulae to Calculate the Weight Share

If the structure is entered by weight, the % calculation is used.

If the structure is entered by Qty per Assembly, the formulae below are used. The formulae below is when the Qty per Assembly > 0. The density in the formulae are converted to Base UoM = Kg/m3.

Parent Part has a Part Type = Weight and Component Part has a Part Type = Weight

Parent Part has a Part Type = Weight and Component Part has a Part Type = Volume

Parent Part has a Part Type = Volume and Component Part has a Part Type = Volume

Parent Part has a Part Type = Volume and Component Part has a Part Type = Weight

Formulae to Calculate the Qty per Assembly

When the Qty per Assembly is calculated, the Weight Share is always known. The formulae below is when the Weight Share > 0. The density in the formulae are converted to Base UoM = Kg/m3.

Parent Part has a Part Type = Weight and Component Part has a Part Type = Weight

Parent Part has a Part Type = Weight and Component Part has a Part Type = Volume

Parent Part has a Part Type = Volume and Component Part has a Part Type = Volume

Parent Part has a Part Type = Volume and Component Part has a Part Type = Weight

For ingredients that have the Exclude from Calculations check box selected and a defined Qty UoM, the Qty per Assembly will be calculated and vice versa, but with other formulas than the above ones both of them will be present in the ingredients own unit of measure.