Adjust Components


Use this activity to adjust the need of the components for a recipe structure alternate if the batch size, yield or both yield and batch size has been changed for the alternate.

Note: A component with the check box Exclude from Calculations will not be effected the recipe is adjusted.


A recipe alternate must be saved.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, system adjusts the components for the recipe structure alternate.


Recipe Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Recipe Structures
Recipe Structures/Recipe Structure


  1. Populate or make a selective query to display the parent part and select alternate.
  2. Right click in Recipe Structure Alternate header and click Adjust Recipe Structure.
  3. Select Batch Size, Yield or Yield and Batch Size in the Set New groupbox.
  4. Enter the new value that should be valid for the Recipe Structure Alternate depending on which selection that is done in step 3, you can enter the value in the alternates Weight UoM or in the alternates Volume UoM for the Batch Size.
  5. Select the Adjust Components from the Adjust Option dropdown list.
  6. To approve the adjustment, click OK.