Work Order Structure
Use this window to view or maintain the work orders in
the Work Order Structure. This window is divided into three parts:
- The upper part for the work order information,
- The lower left part for the graphical object
structure which shows all the work orders and work tasks in the work order
- The lower right part for the information holder
containing information relevant to the selected node in the graphical object
In the graphical object structure you can:
- Expand items in the structure to see their
underlying structures.
- Collapse expanded structure items.
- Modify the size of the structure to make it
comfortable to work with.
- Identify the duplicate tasks on a work order.
- Set a particular structure branch as the root
- Reset to the original root.
- Change the status of a work order in the structure.
- Set master and slave definitions on the duplicate
tasks of a work order in the structure.
- Remove all master and slave definitions from a
work order in the structure.
- Set master and slave definitions on all duplicate
task for the selected work order and all work orders below in the
- Remove all master and slave definitions from the
selected work order structure.
- Move work tasks from one work order to another.
- Work Task Summary group box shows the task summary information, on
selected work order. Click on the field will direct to the relevant
- Finish a work order will also happen to the child work orders
In the graphical object structure, independent and slave work tasks are
indicated by the
sign. Master work tasks are
indicated by the
For the description of each tab in the window, follow
the appropriate link: WO Details,
Free Notes, Work Tasks,
Duplicate Tasks,
Non Routines.
Activity Diagrams
View/Modify WO Structure
Execute Work Task
Reports, WO
Change Status on Work
View Work Order
Planning Gantt
Move Work Tasks between
Work Orders
Alter Dependencies
Master/Slave for a Work Order
Master/Slave definitions from Work Order
Master/Slave for multiple Work Orders
Master/Slave definitions from multiple Work Orders
Print Work
Order Structure Report
Release Work