Print Work Order Structure Report


This activity is used to order and print all or part of the scope for a shop visit. With this functionality, maintenance planners or supervisors can select the information that is required to be printed in order to hand out the instructions and/or relevant documents to the technicians who will execute the work. The maintenance technicians can then use the printout(s) to plan the work that is to be done.

In the Work Order Report Control dialog box you can select the work orders, work order operations and connected documents that are to be included in the report printout. You can also select the different types of reports that you want printed. The following table shows the report types that can be ordered and printed as part of the work order structure report:

Report Type Description
Cover sheet Prints a summary of the top work order in the selected work order structure. Includes information on the work order such as the unique identification number, the object for which the work is intended, the maintenance organization that is responsible for the work and the customer for whom the work is to be done. If the work order is created with the VIM connection type, the identity of the vehicle that is connected to the top work order will be displayed in the relevant field. Additionally, the total number of work orders that are included in the work order structure report (i.e., the work orders in the Work Order Report Control/Work Orders tab for which the Include? check box is selected) will be shown in this cover sheet.
Work order index Prints an index of the work orders selected in the Work Orders tab. For each work order, the unique identification number, belonging site, work order directive, the level in the structure where the work order is located, the object for which the work is intended and the status of the work order will be listed. The levels in the work order structure are graphically shown in the report by indenting the work order number (in the WO No field) and adding an empty row for the first level after the top work order. For example:

Level 1 (top work order number, no indentation)
<empty row>
    Level 2
        Level 3
        Level 3
<empty row>          
    Level 2
        Level 3
           Level n

Work order information Prints detailed information for each work order included in the selection. A separate page will be printed for each of these work orders. The printout consists of blank fields where you can enter information that needs to be documented once the work is done. Blank fields are available to enter the following information:
  • The cause for a failure for corrective maintenance.
  • Either a short description or detailed description of the work that was done.
  • The actual hours spent on the work.
  • The actual date and time the work was start and completed.
Document index Prints an index of the documents that are included in the selection. A document will only be listed once even though it may be connected to more than one work order and/or work order operation. The printout will contain the following blank fields where relevant signatures can be entered:
  • Handed Out To - The signature of the person the document has been handed out to.
  • Date - The date the document was handed out.
  • Returned By - The signature of the person who returned the document.
  • Date - The date the document was returned.
Connected Documents Prints the actual documents that are connected to the work order or work order operation and which are included in the selection. If two copies of the same document exist, you can choose which one should be printed. Furthermore, if macros exist for a document you will be prompted which macro to run.


To perform this activity, the work order and belonging work order operations must be in one of the following statuses: Under Preparation, Prepared, Released or Started.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, reports will be created and printed based on your selection in the Work Order Report Control dialog box.


Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order 
Work Order Structure
Active Work Orders 

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order 
Report In Work Order
Work Order Structure
Work Order Structure/WO Details
Active Work Orders
Work Order Report Control - Dialog Box
Work Order Report Control/Work Order
Work Order Report Control/Operations
Work Order Report Control/Connected Documents


  1. Open any one of the following windows and populate (F2) or query (F3) for the relevant work order number.
  1. Right-click and click Work Order Report Control. The Work Order Report Control dialog box opens.
  2. In the Work Order Reports area, select the check boxes that indicate the type of information you want printed for the selected work order structure.
  3. Click the Work Orders tab to select the work orders that are to be included in the printout.
  4. To select all work orders in the structure, right-click and click Select All. The Deselect All option can be used when you only want certain work orders selected. You can then manually select the Include? check box for the required work orders.
  5. Click the Operations tab to include work order operations in the printout.
  6. To select all operations belonging to the selected work orders, right-click and click Select All. The Deselect All option can be used when you only want certain operations selected. You can then manually select the Include? check box for the required work order operations.
  7. Click the Connected Documents tab to include documents in the printout. Only the documents that are connected to the selected work orders and work order operations can be included in the printout.
  8. To select all connected documents, right-click and click Select All. The Deselect All option can be used when you only want certain documents selected. You can then manually select the Include? check box for the required documents. The Include? check box is selected by default but can be modified, if needed.
  9. Click OK.
  10. The Print Report dialog box opens. Verify that the print settings are correct. If only one report is ordered, you can view the report prior to printing by clicking Preview. From the preview window, you can print the report by clicking the printer button or you can print the report(s) directly from the Print Report dialog box by clicking OK.