Release Work


This activity is used to release all the work tasks by releasing the work order.


System Effects


Prepare Work Order
Work Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Prepare Work Order
Work Order Structure


Use the Prepare Work Order window to Release Work:

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order window.
  2. Right-click on the Work Order header and click Release Work.
  3. Observe that all work tasks and the work order status is changed to Released.

Use the Work Order Structure window to Release Work:

  1. Open the Work Order Structure window.
  2. Populate (F2) or query (F3) for the necessary work order structure.
  3. In the graphical object structure, select a work order, right-click, and then click Release Work.
  4. Observe that the status of all work orders and work tasks starting from the selected point onwards is changed to Released.