Create Repair Work Order Assistant

[About Repair Work Order] [To Work Order Execution] [To Work Order Planning]


Use this assistant to create a repair work order for a serial object or a serial/non-serial part that is to be moved for repair. The object or part can be in the facility or in inventory. The user will be guided through different steps in the assistant depending on the selection made either to repair a serial object or a serial/non-serial part. Once all required information is filled-in a Work order will be created along with work tasks to perform relevant activities.

If the broken object/part is in facility, a work task will be created with a return line to return the broken object/part to inventory. When returning to inventory the user has the possibility to update the inventory value and condition of the part.
A separate work task will be created through which the broken object/part will be issued for repair and necessary maintenance activities will be performed. Finally the repaired part can be returned back to inventory.

For the description of each assistant step, follow the appropriate link: Object Information, Part Information, General Information.

Activity Diagrams

Create Repair Work Order
Repair Work Order Execution
Move Part to Inventory
Issue Parts for Repair
Move from Repair Workshop to Inventory
Move from Repair Workshop to Facility


Create Repair Work Order
Issue Parts to Repair
Return Material
Return Repaired Part
Enter Superior Object