Repair Work Order

It is possible to create a work order for a broken object or a part that is to be moved from the facility to the workshop for repair in IFS/Preventive and Corrective Maintenance. When a broken object/part needs to be repaired, a repair work order can be created. Repair work orders can be created for Serial Objects, Serial parts and Non-serial parts. Sometimes it is discovered after a work order is created that the object needs to be brought into the repair workshop for repair. At this instance the work order will be directed to Turn into Repair Order. From here you can define where to move the broken object. Upon saving, the work order will be set as a repair work order.

If the fault in an object or a part is identified when its in operation and in facility, the object/part need to be transferred first to the inventory with its current inventory value. After that the object/part will be possible to Issued for Repair. This action will automatically create a record to return the repaired object/part back to inventory. These actions of issuing for repair and returning back to inventory after repair is handled through a single work task where it is assumed that all other repair related actions are performed. This would ease the process of analysis of costs for repair for the assets. For parts that need to be repaired it is either possible to replace with another part temporarily until repair is done or permanently. Further it is either possible to sent the part back to inventory or place it in facility.

The objects that can be brought to the repair workshop are either serial objects, serial parts or non-serial parts. Some repairable objects are expensive or central to the production that you would want to keep track of them on an individual basis. Thus, the unique object assigns a unique serial number. An object registered in the system is also part of the facility structure. The system can help you keep track of how many hours the object has been in operation, how often the object is repaired, and the expenses registered for the specific object. This way, the serial objects can be repaired according to a predefined repair flow, and the costs are always associated with the specific serial object.  

A large amount of the objects that can be repaired in the workshop are however so-called non-individuals. These objects can be repaired for certain, but you are not willing to spend money on the administrative costs that arise when they are registered in the system. These parts can therefore not be seen as parts of the facility structure. They cannot be traced in the system, and of course cannot carry any costs for repair. If someone takes out a repairable part, you can be sure that a part in a location within the facility is broken. Thus you now have the possibility to select the part deemed repairable, and upon issuing the non-serial part, the repair work order will automatically be created, with a work task to return it when repaired. The costs to repair the non-serial part will therefore cover the costs of the broken part. When the broken part is repaired, it will be delivered back to inventory afterwards. This process makes it possible to define for which inventory value you want to store the repaired part. 

The repair work order is used in IFS/Maintenance, and in IFS/Service Management.