Create Repair Work Order Assistant - Part

[About Repair Work Order] [To Work Order Execution] [To Work Order Planning]


Use this assistant step to define information about the serial/non-serial part to be repaired. Information such as: Part No need to be defined with Serial No if appropriate. The user has the option to select an action type depending on the requirement.

Available action types are :

Replace Part                                   : A replacement part can be placed in place of the broken part to continue the operation without disruption.
Replace Part until repair is done    : A replacement part can be placed temporarily in the place of the broken part until it is repaired.
Repair and Place in facility            : This option can be selected if the broken part need to be repaired and placed in a equipment structure.
Sent to Inventory after Repair        : This option can be selected if the broken part need to be repaired and sent to inventory.

Once part information is defined user will be navigated to enter general information about the fault.

Activity Diagrams

Create Repair Work Order


Create Repair Work Order