Report Non Routine


This activity is used to report any non routine work that was discovered during a maintenance visit. A non routine is a fault that is discovered during the repair phase of a scheduled maintenance, which needs to be corrected in the ongoing work scope. In order to repair a non routine fault, it must be reported on the work order or work task on which it was discovered. Once the fault is reported a fault event will be created automatically for it and added to the work package (maintenance order) for the ongoing work scope.

The following fault executions can be used when reporting a non routine:

For more information on how to report faults, refer the activity Report a Fault.


System Effects


Work Task
Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task
Work Task/Task Card
Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks
Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks/Task Card
Report In Work Order/Work Tasks
Report In Work Order/Work Tasks/Task Card


Use the following procedure to report a non routine fault found on a work order in the current work scope.

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order or Report In Work Order window and query (F3) for the necessary work order.
  2. Right-click and then click Report Non Routine. The Report Non Routine for WO window opens.
  3. In the Fault Description field, enter a short description of the non routine fault.
  4. In the Fault Execution list, enter the necessary fault executions. Valid values are,
  1. In the Reported By field, the current user's person ID appears by default.
  2. If a default person category is defined for the current user, this value appears automatically in the Person Category field. You can change this value if necessary. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  3. In the Product and Model fields, the product and model connected to the template structure of the serial appears by default. Note: For serials that are not on the topmost level of a structure (i.e., they do not have a connection to a product and model), it will be possible to manually enter the product and model. Use the List of Values in the relevant fields to select valid values.
  4. Depending on the required number of levels to use in a function breakdown, values in the Function, Sub Function and Bottom Function fields can be entered. Use the List of Values to select appropriate values, or right-click on the function (in the function navigator) and select the option Set Function, Set Sub Function or Set Bottom Function.
  5. In the Fault Code field, enter a valid code for the fault or failure. If a function breakdown is entered, the fault code must be a valid code for this function breakdown (fault functions). Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. Enter a value in the Fault Category field. Use the List of Values to select a value. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  7. In the Remark field, enter any additional information on the non routine work. Entering a value in this field is optional. Double-clicking on the field will open a text editor where you can enter text in a more convenient fashion. When an event is created for the non routine fault, this information will be transferred to the Mx Event Remark field of the corresponding event record on the maintenance order.
  8. Save the record (F12).

If the fault execution for the fault is set to Partially repaired an assistant opens where you can report the time and material already used on the fault. If condition measurements are required, you can also record the measure values.

  1. In the Enter Already Performed Task Cards and Subtasks step, select the Already Performed check box for the task cards that have been performed.
  2. Click Next to continue or click Finish if you want to close the assistant.
  3. In the Enter Condition Measurements step enter the valid condition measurement.
  4. In the Measure Value field, enter the measured value of the condition. Note that the previous measurement appears by default and must be overwritten with the new measure value.
  5. In the Measure Date field, enter the date on which the condition measurement was completed. The default value is set to today's date (i.e., system date) but can be changed.
  6. Click Next.
  7. In the Enter Used Resources step, enter time for a resource, i.e., person group and/or tool/equipment group. To do this, select the Resource Used check box and enter the time the resource spent on the work in the Hours Spent field.
  8. Click Next.
  9. In the Enter Used Material step, enter the material used for the work. To do this, select the Material Used check box for the relevant material line and enter the quantity in the Quantity Issued field.
  10. If the check box is selected for a serial part, use the List of Values in the Serial Number field to specify a valid serial.
  11. Click Finish.

Use the following procedure to report a non routine fault found on a work task in the current work scope:

  1. Open the Prepare Work Order or Report In Work Order window and search for the desired work order.
  2. Click the Work Tasks tab, select the desired work task, and then click the the Task Card tab. Alternatively, the Work Task/Task Card tab can be used to perform these steps.
  3. Right-click and click Report Non Routine. The Report Non Routine for WO window opens.
  4. Continue with steps 3 to 12 or 23 (if the fault is partially repaired) described above.