Supplier Interest Provision Proposals

[To Supplier Payments]


Use this window to create, view and to change the status of supplier interest provision proposals. It is also possible to use this window to modify supplier interest provision proposals by right-clicking and then clicking Interest Provision Proposal Details right mouse button option. A preliminary report can be printed for supplier interest provision proposals of the status Created. Once the status of a supplier interest provision proposal is Acknowledged, a definitive report can be printed for it.

Activity Diagrams

Calculate Supplier Interest Provision


Create Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
View Interest Calculation per Invoice Installment
Remove Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
Modify Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
Print Preliminary Provision Report
Acknowledge Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
Unacknowledge Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
Print Definitive Provision Report
Reprint Definitive Provision Report