Print Preliminary Provision Report


This activity is used to print a preliminary report which includes information relating to the supplier interest provision for a period based on a supplier interest provision proposal of the status Created.


In order to perform this activity, a supplier interest provision proposal of the status Created must exist in the system.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the report will be printed on screen or on paper.


Supplier Interest Provision Proposal

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
Print Preliminary Provision Report


  1. Open the Supplier Interest Provision Proposal window and query for the proposal for which you want to print a preliminary report.
  2. Select the record, right-click and then click Print Preliminary Report to open the Print Preliminary Provision Report dialog box.
  3. Enter one or more supplier groups in the Supplier Group field in the dialog box if you want the report to include only suppliers belonging to a selected supplier group(s). You can enter the % symbol in the Supplier Group field if you want all the suppliers in the supplier interest provision proposal to be included in the report irrespective of the supplier group.
  4. Select the Do not Print Excluded Invoices check box if you do not want the invoice installments that you have excluded from the supplier interest provision proposal to be printed in the report.
  5. Click OK to print the report.