Create Supplier Interest Provision Proposal


This activity is used to create a supplier interest provision proposal. The purpose of this activity is to calculate the interest provision for a selected period. At a given time, a company cannot have more than one supplier interest provision proposal relating to the same accounting year and period.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the interest provision will be calculated for all the invoice installments included in the supplier interest provision proposal.


Supplier Interest Provision Proposal

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
Create Supplier Interest Provision Proposal


  1. Open the Supplier Interest Provision Proposal window and and create a new record to open the Create Supplier Interest Provision Proposal dialog box. (Note: This dialog box can also be opened by right-clicking in the background of the Supplier Interest Provision Proposal window and clicking Create Proposal.)
  2. In the Accounting Year field in the dialog box, enter the accounting year to which the supplier interest provision proposal should relate.
  3. In the Accounting Period field, enter the accounting period to which the supplier interest provision proposal should relate.
  4. Edit the Currency Rate Type field if necessary. The List of Values can be used to select the appropriate currency rate type.
  5. Select the Include Advance Invoices check box if you want to include advance invoices in the supplier interest provision proposal.
  6. If you want the proposal to include only invoice installments that are approved for payment, select the Only Include Installments Approved for Payment check box.
  7. Select the Run in Background check box if you want the creation of the supplier interest provision proposal to be performed as a background job.
  8. Click OK to close the dialog box.