View Interest Calculation per Invoice Installment


This activity is used to view detailed information relating to the calculated interest provision of individual invoice installments that belong to a supplier interest provision proposal. The purpose of this activity is to understand how the interest provision amounts of the invoice installments have been arrived at.


A supplier interest provision proposal with one or more invoice installments must exist in the system.

System Effects

This activity has no system effects.


Supplier Interest Provision Proposal

Related Window Descriptions

Supplier Interest Provision Proposal
Interest Provision Proposal Details
Invoices per Interest Provision Proposal
Interest Calculation per Invoice


  1. Open the Supplier Interest Provision Proposal window and query for the proposal for which you want to view the interest provision calculation per invoice.
  2. Select the record you queried for, right-click and then click Interest Provision Proposal Details to open the Interest Provision Proposal Details window.
  3. Select a supplier, right-click and then click Invoices per Proposal to open the Invoices per Interest Provision Proposal window.
  4. Select an invoice installment, right-click and then click Interest Calculation per Invoice to open the Interest Calculation per Invoice window. In this window, you can view detailed information regarding the calculated interest provision of the selected invoice installment.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 to view the interest calculation for all the invoice installments in the selected supplier interest provision proposal.