Inventory Part in Stock | Warehouse Navigator/Parts in Stock | MS Level 1 Part/Inventory On Hand

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[To Handle Inventory] [About Inventory Valuation Methods and Cost Levels]


Use this window or tab to view information and handle inventory parts in stock. When you make a search, you can group and sum the information as requested. This is a quick method to search for part availability. For example, it can be useful in cases when a condition code is specified on the order line, and you want to determine if the same part with a different condition code is available. You can then use that information to make changes in the order lines, if desired.

In this window it is possible to view information regarding in which handling unit each inventory part in stock record is stored as well as the top handling unit in a possible handling unit structure. Stock records not packed in handling units is represented by handling unit ID = 0. For these unpacked handling units it is possible to perform different packing operations in this window. All activities that can be performed in this window for an inventory part in stock record can also be done per handling unit and its content in the window Handling Units In Stock. Note that when accessed from MS Level 1 Part/Inventory On Hand tab, it shows the data related to relevant part and site combination only.

Note: Only the part details relevant to the configuration ID as specified in the customer order line will be displayed here, if reached from the customer order line, by right-clicking and clicking Available to Reserve.

Activity Diagrams

Monitor inventory part Transfer part ownership
Transfer to/from project inventory
Handle inventory discrepancies
Perform quality inspection and handle discrepancies
Create material review board case
Handle direct receipt
Handle barcodes
Handle counting
BDR enter handling unit


Check inventory part in stock
Identify serials in stock
Transfer ownership to company
Transfer ownership between customers 
Transfer company owned to company rental asset
Transfer company rental asset to company owned 
Transfer to project inventory 
Transfer to standard inventory
Perform putaway
Move with Transport Task
Create MRB case
Move Inventory Parts
Change availability control ID
Change W/D/R
Change expiration date
Attach Parts to Handling Unit
Unattach Parts from Handling Unit
Pack According to Handling Unit Capacity

Pack According to Packing Instruction
Print serviceability tag
Print barcode labels from inventory