Handling Units in Stock | Warehouse Navigator/Handling Units in Stock

[About Handling Units]

[To Handle Inventory]


Use this window or tab to view information and handle handling units in stock. When you make a search, you can group and sum the information as requested. This is a quick method to for example search the quantity stored in a certain handling unit type for a certain location.

By default this window displays the top level handling units per handling unit structure and then in the lower part of the window you can view the content of that handling unit and its sub-levels.

It is also possible to expand the view in the upper section of the window so that all the sub-levels of a handling unit structure is displayed.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Handling Units
BDR Enter Handling Unit


Perform putaway
Change availability control ID
Change W/D/R
Change expiration date

Move with Transport Task
Transfer ownership to company
Transfer ownership between customers 
Transfer company owned to company rental asset
Transfer company rental asset to company owned 
Transfer to Project Inventory
Transfer to Standard Inventory
Receive from Transit
Print Handling Unit Labels
Print Handling Unit Content Labels
Change Parent Handling Unit ID
Unattach Parts from Handling Unit
Pack According to Packing Instruction