Supplier for Purchase Part/General

[About Change Supplier for Purchase Part] [About Part Ownership] [About Consignment Stock at your Warehouse] [About External Repair Orders] [About Distribution Orders] [About Multi-Site Planning]

[To Initiate Purchase] [To Manage Purchase] [To Supplier Management] [To Procurement, Supplier Scheduling] [To MFG Standard]


Use this tab to enter information on price, units, discount, additional cost and to define multi-site planned parts. If you are using the order management or EDI message function, you can connect the purchase part to the supplier's part number. If tax is charged for the part, the relevant tax code can be specified. The tax percentage of the purchase part is independent of the tax percentage applicable to the supplier.

Activity Diagrams

Create and Maintain Purchase Part
Create and Maintain Supplier For Purchase Part
BDR for Supplier Schedule
General Supplier Information
Manage structures
Manage supplier prices
Manage fixed supplier additions
Manage supplier discounts


Enter supplier for purchase part info
Specify consignment stock info
Specify use of customer owned stock
Specify use of supplier loaned stock
Enter document text
Enter supplier assortment info
Convert supplier to customer
Convert purchase part to sales part
Enter external service prices
Enter distribution order defaults
Define multi-site planned part
Change price for the part and its supplier
Enter fixed addition for the part and its supplier
Enter a discount for the part and its supplier