Production Unit

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Use this window to view information on the events that are reported on the selected production unit, provided that the events are of the follow up type APQ. This window consists of the following tab windows: Production Rate Chart, APQ Chart, and APQ Breakdown. This window is useful, for instance, to the personnel who are responsible for managing a single production unit.

In the Production Rate Chart tab window you can view a graphical illustration of the unit's production rate for a given period of time (i.e., the past 1, 3, 7 or 30 days). The APQ Chart and APQ Breakdown tab windows provides the unit's APQ cost information. You can choose to view APQ information for the past seven, 30 or 365 days. From the APQ graph it is also possible to navigate directly to the APQ analysis window if further analysis is required.

When you select an event in the production rate chart, the corresponding event row is selected in the lower section of the Production Unit window. Likewise, when you select an event, e.g., stop event, in the lower section of the window the related event line is automatically selected in the production rate chart.

All valid bulletins reported at a previous stage will be displayed under the Bulletin section. You can click Edit to update a bulletin, if necessary. You can also view information, such as, the summarized status information, e.g., stoppages, average production rates and produced figures for the past 24 hours in the Status section.

The lower section of the window contains a textual information on each event. You have the option of filtering the information you want displayed here by selecting valid values in the Show task bar. For example, you can choose to view stop events that have connected work orders. (Note: When this view is used, additional information, such as, the link to the related work order, the status of the work order and the current work order organization is displayed.) Events can be viewed for a given period of time by selecting from the values available in the Days list. You can also open the main window for an event by selecting the corresponding link in this section.

Alternatively, you can view information for all future planned stops and the external stop events that have not been confirmed by selecting the given link. Note: These external stop event records will not contain information in all mandatory fields.

Activity Diagrams

View Production Unit 
Enter Events Manually


View APQ
View Production Rate
View Earlier Events
View Created Work Order
View Bulletins
View Planned Stop
View Production Status Figures
Enter Log Event
Enter Stop Event
Enter Produced Event
Enter Scrapping Event
Enter Production Change Event
Complete Stop Event