Complete Stop Event


Use this activity to complete an unconfirmed stop event received from an external system. When you open this type of stop event record, the text Unconfirmed is shown on the header of the Stop Event window. Stop events are set to Unconfirmed when one or more of the mandatory fields do not contain a value. Examples for mandatory fields are: To, Reported By, and Loss Cause. Once valid values are entered for all mandatory fields, this activity can be used to confirm (and complete) the stop event.


A stop event with the Unconfirmed status must exist.

System Effects

Related Window Descriptions

Stop Event
Production Unit


  1. Open the Production Unit window for the production unit you want.
  2. Click the link for unconnected stop events (XX Unconnected Stops) found in the Actions area. To the left of the window, a list of all unconfirmed stop events for the production unit will be displayed. Click on the relevant link for the unconfirmed stop event you want. The Stop Event window opens with information for the unconfirmed stop.
  3. Observe the values and make sure mandatory information, such as, the To date, reported by and the loss cause is entered. If not enter values in the appropriate fields.
  4. Click Confirm and Exit.
    Alternatively, you can choose to right-click on the window and then click Confirm Stop. Once you have confirmed the stop event, save your changes by clicking Save on the toolbar.