View Production Rate


Use this activity to view the production rate of a production unit for the specified time period. The production rate chart can be used to view a graphical illustration of the production unit's rate figures. Production rate figures can be compared with maximum production rates as well as goal production rates for the given period of time. This graph can be used to identify when, during its operational life cycle, the production unit was in operation or stopped.

When clicking on a production rate event or stop event directly in the graph: a marker (an arrow pointed downward) is displayed in the graph, and the corresponding event record is selected automatically in the event list.

When clicking on an event directly in the list, a marker (an arrow pointed downward) is displayed automatically in the graph. This marker is used to show when in time the event occurred.

Average lines, trend lines and/or moving average lines for an object (i.e., production rate event, stop event, maximum production rate line or goal production line) can be displayed in the graph by selecting the relevant right mouse button options.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, figures for the production rate chart as well as maximum production rate figures, goal production rate figures, average lines and trend lines can be compared and evaluated.

Related Window Descriptions

Production Unit


  1. Select the required production unit from the Overall Equipment Effectiveness navigator. The Production Unit window opens with information for the selected production unit.
  2. Click the Production Rate Chart tab.
  3. Right-click on the graph, and then click the relevant option, e.g., Last 7 days, for the time period wanted to follow up.
  4. To Zoom In, click the graph and hold down the left mouse button while drawing a square around the section that is to be enlarged. Once the square is drawn release the left mouse button. A yellow button Click to Zoom will now appear. Click this button to change the zoom level.
  5. To Zoom Out, right-click on the graph, and then click Zoom Back to zoom out one level OR right-click and click Full View to display the original graph size.
  6. To include an average or trend line for a particular object in the graph, right-click on the object, and then click Show Average or Show Trend.
  7. To remove an average line or trend line from the graph, right-click on the line, and then click Hide.
  8. You can also view or add a moving average for a specified number of days. Right-click on the object you want, and then click Show Moving Averages or Add Moving Average.
  9. If an additional moving average line is required with a different number of days, right-click on the object once again, and then click Add Moving Average. Enter the number of days for the new average line.
  10. To remove a moving average line from the graph, right-click on the line, and then click Hide or Delete Moving Average.
  11. If you want to copy the graph to the clipboard, right-click on the graph, and then click Copy to Clipboard.
  12. You can also choose to display only a particular section of the graph, if necessary. To do so, right-click on the graph, and then click Preview Pane. The Preview Pane dialog box opens. Adjust the red square to show the section you want displayed.