MS Level 0 Part

[About Master Production Schedule Level 0] [About Rules for Master Scheduling Level 0]

[To Master Planning]


Use this window and its tabs to enter and plan long-term forecasts for Level 0 product families. You can also view the results of master scheduling on Level 0 if MS has been run. When a forecast is created for a Level 0 part, it can be disaggregated down to Level 1, the actual part level. A master schedule can then be created at the manufacturing level based on the Level 1 parts, and resource demand can be planned. Demand is transferred to Level 1 when you disaggregate Level 0. There are other considerations – see the About document for descriptions and explanations.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Register Forecast, Monetary Equivalent, Action Proposals, View by Period, MS Level 1 Parts.

Activity Diagrams

Perform MS Level 0
BDR for Sales and Operations Planning


Define Master Schedule Level 0 Part
Evaluate Master Scheduling Level 0 Results
Enter Master Schedule Level 0 Forecast
Update Level One Parts
Distribute Cumulative Forecast