Enter Handling Unit Capacities


This activity is used to enter the capacity for a handling unit, i.e. how large the quantity of a part can be in order to be stored in a handling unit type using a specific unit of measure. This can be done either for a specific part or for a group of parts.

Handling unit capacities can be defined and viewed in a number of different clients.

In the Handling Unit Capacity tab for a part catalog record, you can enter information about which handling units a part can be stored in, and the maximum quantity for the part and handling unit per unit of measure.

In the Capacity tab for a storage requirement group, you can enter information about which handling units a parts belonging to a certain capacity requirement group can be stored in, and the maximum quantity for that group and handling unit per unit of measure.

In the Parts per Handling Unit window, you can enter information about which parts can be stored in a certain handling unit and the maximum quantity for those parts per unit of measure.

In the Handling Unit Capacities window, you can view information about all the different combinations of parts and handling units that have been defined and their maximum capacity per unit of measure.

Values for handling unit capacity is inherited from the storage requirement group for capacity and is displayed as operative value for parts together with values entered for the part itself.


A part catalog record and a handling unit type must exist.

System Effects

The handling unit capacity for a part is defined.


Part Basic Data
Part per Handling Unit
Handling Unit Capacities

Related Window Descriptions

Part/Handling Unit Capacity
Part Basic Data
Part Basic Data/Storage Requirement Groups
Parts per Handling Unit
Handling Unit Capacities


From the Part window:

  1. Open the window and click the Handling Unit Capacity tab.
  2. Enter which handling unit types can be used for the part, per unit of measure. For each combination of handling unit type and unit of measure for the part, enter the maximum quantity that can be stored in that handling unit type.
  3. Save your changes.

From the Part Basic Data window:

  1. Open the window and click the Storage Requirement Groups tab.
  2. Click the Capacity tab and select a capacity group.
  3. In the lower section of the window, enter the maximum quantity per handling unit types and unit of measure that can be used for the selected capacity group.
  4. Save your changes.

From the Parts per Handling Unit window:

  1. Open the window and search for a handling unit type.
  2. In the lower section of the window, enter the maximum quantity per part and unit of measure that can be stored in the selected handling unit type.
  3. Save your changes.

From the Handling Unit Capacities window:

  1. Open the window.
  2. Search and view existing definitions of which handling unit types can be used for parts and the maximum quantity of these combinations.