
[About Product Estimate Management] [About Estimate Bid Management]


Use this window to enter and revise estimate versions. A version handles the business side of the estimate; quantities, costs, contingency and markups. A default version is always established when the estimate header is created. It is possible to create several versions to handle the quantity breaks and differentiated offerings to different customers. When a new version is created, all costs, insecurities and markups are copied from the previous version. Hence each version is unique which gives you the option to handle differentiated offering to different customers in a controlled way for the same work scope.

This window is separated into two sections. In the upper section is a table in which you can create new versions and the lower are several tabs located in which the version specific data can be viewed or entered. For each version it is possible to set a valid from and a valid until date. These dates are just a recommendation of when in time a version should be considered as valid and whether it is still possible to perform calculations for the versions as well as creating deliverable lines.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Quantities, Currency Rates, Additional Cost, Markup,

Activity Diagrams

Manage Version


Create new version
Select version
Confirm cost calculation
Revise cost calculation
Cancel estimate version
Copy to selected version