Create New Version


Use this activity to add new version for the estimate revision. A new version is always created as a copy of the previous version in the sequence. All costs, additional costs and markups for the new version id will be based on the latest version. It is possible to create new records in this tab when it is necessary to differentiate the cost, contingency and markup build-up for the same work scope. If there are several customers in need of the same items enclosed by the estimate revision but with different conditions then it might be a requirement to be able to differentiate the cost, contingency and markup build-up to cover all the aspects of a possible sale. To handle such situations different versions can with benefit be established for the revision.

Another situation when different cost versions is very useful is when a customer request to be quote with a flexible pricelist, i.e. same item different quantities. Several versions with different top item quantities are possible to establish. Each version is calculated for a specific quantity which means that the possible amortizing of cost is handled separately for each version.


This activity requires;

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the system saves and connects a version record to the selected estimate revision.



Related Window Descriptions



  1. Search for the estimate header(s) that you want to maintain.
  2. Click on the Versions tab.
  3. Create a new record and define a version description and valid from date, save.

Note: Optional is also to define a valid until date for the new version.

  1. When the warning message indicates that the new version is created as a copy of the latest version id appears, Click OK.
  2. A new version is created in status InProgress.