Report Resource Usage


This activity is used to report time for the work that has been performed on a work task. The time spent for the Person or Tool/Equipment resources can be specified through this activity. The dialogs Report Time or Quick Report or Work Task Time Reports window can be used to report time.

Through the Report Time dialog or Work task Time Reports window, time can be reported depending on the Resource Group, Maintenance Organization, Time Type or Employee.
Through the Quick Report dialog, the hours spent and time type can be defined. The logged in user will be set as the Reported By.

Note: If IFS/Human Resource is installed and if the EDITWOTIME property code is defined for your company and has the property value YES, it will be possible to continue reporting or modifying time when the day for the employee is confirmed, authorized or transferred. If the property value is set to No, then it will not be possible to update the time for the employee once the day is confirmed, authorized or transferred. (This is valid for time reported for a resource type Person)


System Effects

Note: If the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN property for the MaintenanceConfiguration object LU in the System LU Values/Object Property tab is set to TRUE, the transactions with cost type Person is automatically authorized.
If the AUTO_AUTH_SIGN_TOOL property for the MaintenanceConfiguration object LU in the System LU Values/Object Property tab is set to TRUE, the transactions with cost type Tool is automatically authorized.


Work Task
Prepare Work Order
Report In Work Order

Work Order Structure

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task
Work Task/Resources/Demands
Work Task/Work Assignments
Work Task Time Reports
Prepare Work Order
Prepare Work Order/Work Tasks
Report In Work Order
Report In Work Order/Work Tasks
Work Order Structure
Work Order Structure/Work Tasks


Use following procedure to report time through Report Time option:

  1. Open the Work Task or the Work Tasks window, alternatively select the Work Tasks tab in the Prepare Work Order , Report In Work Order or the Work Order Structure window.
  2. Query the work order and then select the appropriate work task. (F3)
  3. Right Click and then point to Report Time.
  4. In Report Time dialog, define a value in Hours field.
  5. Enter values in Resource Group, Maint.Org.Site, Maint.Org and Time Type fields if required. Use the List of Values to select an appropriate value.
  6. Enter a new record in Tool/Equipment table to report time for Tool/Equipment resource.
  7. Define the required values.
  8. Select Report/Close button.
  9. Select Report button to proceed with reporting few more records.
  10. Select Cancel to abort the action.

Note: The Report Time dialog can be initiated through the Resources/Demands and Work Assignments tab in Work Task window and Work Tasks tab in above mentioned forms.

Use following procedure to report time through Quick Report option:

  1. Open the Work Task or the Work Tasks window, alternatively select the Work Tasks tab in the Prepare Work Order , Report In Work Order or the Work Order Structure window.
  2. Query the work order and then select the appropriate work task. (F3)
  3. Select the Resources/Demands and Work Assignments tab.
  4. Select an appropriate record and right click and then point to Quick Report .
  5. In Quick Report dialog, define a value in Hours field.
  6. Enter value in Time Type field if required. Use the List of Values to select an appropriate value.
  7. Enter a comment in Comment field if required.
  8. Select OK button.
  9. Select Cancel to abort the action.

Use following procedure to report time through Work Task Time Reports option:

  1. Open the Work Task Time Reports window.
  2. Click New.
  3. In the Task No field, use List of values to select the work task.
  4. For Resource type Person, Enter values in Resource Group, Employee ID, Maint.Org.Site, Maint.Org and Time Type fields if required. Use the List of Values to select an appropriate value.
  5. For Resource tyep Tool/Equipment, Enter values in Resource Group, Resource ID, Maint.Org.Site and Maint.Org fields if required. Use the List of Values to select an appropriate value.
  6. Define a value in Hours field.
  7. Save the information.

Note : If a sales part is connected to the time type it will be fetched to the sales line created with reference to the cost line. Otherwise the sales part information will be fetched from the connected Planning line if exists or the default sales part connected to the Resource Group or the default sales part connected to the Maintenance Organization.