Finish Maintenance Event - Enter Modification Info
Quick Reporting of Pending Maintenance Event - Enter Modification Info
Quick Report Modification - Enter Modification Info

[About Pending Maintenance Event] [About Work Order] [About Maintenance Order] [About Modification Schedule] [About Modification Definition] [About Flight Log] [To Prepare Line Maintenance] [To Operate Asset] [To Dispatch Asset and Close Maintenance Visit]


Use this step of the assistant to register the execution of initial and continued inspections for the modifications. This step will only be enabled for the inspections of a modification. When you select a new execution type, the next calculation due for the serial assigned to the modification will be affected.

You can carry out any of the following actions in this step of the assistant:

Activity Diagrams

Plan Line Maintenance Activities
Complete Maintenance Event
Complete Maintenance Visit
Manage Flight Logs


Quick Reporting of Pending Maintenance Event
Finish Maintenance Event