Shop Order Pick List Options

[About Pick List]

[To Shop Order Manufacturing]


Use this dialog box to create and optionally print shop order pick list(s). This list contains the material to be used in manufacturing the shop order and is used as a basis for picking reserved material from inventory. A pick list does imply a physical reservation of parts and it points out the locations at which the parts have to be picked. You can choose only to create the pick list, or to create it and print both at this step.

This dialog box is accessed by right-clicking Shop Order window or Shop Orders window. If this dialog box is accessed from the Shop Order window, the pick list(s) will contain data for just the shop order selected in that window. If this dialog box is accessed from the Shop Orders window, consolidated pick list(s) will be created including the data for all selected shop orders.

Activity Diagrams

Reserve components
Issue shop order components using pick list


Create shop order pick list