Shop Order Pick List

A pick list is created based on the shop order material reservations. It shows the inventory locations at which the parts will be picked. It is used for finding and picking of reserved material from inventory. A pick list does imply a physical reservation of parts and it points out the locations at which the parts have to be picked.

When printing a pick list for a project connected shop order the PPSA (PPSA - Program, Project, Sub-project, Activity) information are included. For all lines to be picked from project inventory the exact activity belonging is included on the pick list.

There are several ways of how to create pick list(s) for shop order(s):

You can either create and print the pick list at the same time, or first create the pick list, and later create and print the pick list report. If allowing pick by choice, or the movement of reserved parts included on pick lists it is recommended to create and print the pick list report just before the physical picking occurs as the contents of the pick list may be changed after it was initially created.

Consolidated Pick Lists

The following characteristics distinguish when it could be a good idea to create pick list consolidating several shop orders:

Create Pick List per

It is possible to create pick list(s) per:

This determines how the reserved material lines will be split between pick lists.

When the pick lists are consolidated by warehouse, bay, row, tier or bin, the picking is facilitated based on the physical structure of the warehouse. For an example, if the selected value is Warehouse, all the reserved material in the specific warehouse will be included in a single pick list. If the selected value is Bay, and warehouse 1 has two bays, bay number 1 and bay number 2, two consolidated pick lists will be printed, one for warehouse 1 and bay 1 and another for warehouse 1 and bay 2.

Additional Parameters

It is also possible to define additional selection parameters controlling which reserved material lines to include in the pick list such as order numbers, parent part numbers, connected work centers, operation numbers etc.

Report Layout

The shop order pick list report includes two distinct sections. First section contains the consolidation and shop order information and the second section includes the picking details. The picking details section lists the pick list lines in a descending order using warehouse, bay, row, tier, bin, handling unit ID, order no, release no, sequence no, serial no and lot batch no. If several pick list lines exists for the same inventory location and handling unit, the location and handling unit information is displayed only for the first line. Pick list lines connected to a handling unit will include information of which handling unit to pick the part from as well as possible parent handling units.

Aggregated Pick List

By selecting the Aggregate Complete Handling Units check box when creating the pick list, pick list lines for complete handling units will be aggregated into one line showing a summary of the picking information for the handling unit. If an attribute does not share the same value for all pick list lines connected to the handling unit, three dots "..." will be displayed for this attribute.

E.g., a complete pallet containing multiple serial numbers of a part is included on a pick list. The aggregated pick list will print only one row including a summary of the picking information rather than printing one row per serial number. Three dots "..." will be printed in the serial no field.

Pick by Choice

It is possible to report picking of another stock record or handling unit than the one reserved on the pick list by using the pick by choice option. This will unreserve the originally reserved stock record/handling unit and instead issue the one selected. If this stock record/handling unit was already reserved to another shop or customer order this reservation will be replaced by a new one if the site has been configured to allow it.