Rental Workbench

[About Rental Management] [About Inter-Site Rental Voucher]

[To Initiate Rental] [To Manage Rent In] [To Manage Rent Out] [To Manage Rent to Project] [To Manage Rent to Work Order] [To Follow Up Rental]


Use this window as an alternative to the Manage Rentals window to get an overview of your rental lines.

To search for data, a filter can be set in the header, and by clicking Refresh, data will be populated according to the filter values set. Additionally, to further narrow down data, the standard search function (F3) can be used, which will also consider any filters in the header.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Event History, Transactions, Invoice Details, Linked Rental Lines, Consolidated Transactions, Work Orders.

Activity Diagrams

Start Rental
Manage Rental Events
Finalize Rental, Rent In
Finalize Rental, Rent Out
Finalize Rental, Project Charging
Manage Exchanges, Rent In
Manage Exchanges, Rent Out
Finalize Rental, Work Order Charging


Start Rental
Register Rental Event
Change Rental Mode
End Rental
Generate Rental Transactions
Create Supplier Return
Create Customer Receipt
Create Replacement Order - Rent In
Create Replacement Order - Rent Out