Analyze Data using Predefined Queries


This activity is used to analyze data to support the day-to-day tasks. The data query windows help you to discover missing data and are helpful when analyzing data.


System Effects


Total Usage per Serial
Support for Structure Changes and Operational Planning
Support Fault
Maintenance Data Per Template Structure
Compare Template and Serial Structures
Historical Operational Parameter Values

Related Window Descriptions

Total Usage per Serial
Support for Structure Changes and Operational Planning

Support Fault

Maintenance Data per Template Structure
Compare Template and Serial Structures
Historical Operational Parameter Values


Follow this procedure to find the total planned usage for a serial:

  1. Open the Total Usage per Serial window and query (F3) for the serial you want.
  2. Observe the pre-defined information on the planned usage of the serial. Please note that all pending and running maintenance events for the serial will be displayed in this window along with the planned operational/maintenance events.

Follow this procedure to find the most suitable vehicle or serial to use in a serial structure or for an operational event:

  1. Open the Support for Structure Changes and Operational Planning window.
  2. Query (F3) for the serial(s) which support the selection of serials for structure changes and operational planning.
  3. Observe the information.

Follow this procedure to find the best practice for repairing a fault:

Note: For more information on investigating similar faults, refer to the Investigate Similar Faults activity.

  1. Open the Support Fault window.
  2. In the Product Number field, enter the product number of the product model you want. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  3. In the Model Number field, enter the model number of the selected product model. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  4. In the Insp Function No field, enter the function number of the selected product model. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. In the Insp Fault Code field, enter the fault code for the selected function number. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. Click Populate.
  7. Observe the information for similar faults as displayed in the Overview tab and the Fault Codes and Material tab. 

Follow this procedure to find the missing maintenance data for serialized parts in a template structure:

  1. Open the Maintenance Data Per Template Structure window and query (F3) for the template part you want.
  2. Click the Serial Part tab to view a multilevel presentation of the selected template structure including the maintenance data.
  3. Click the Maintenance Group tab to view information on the maintenance groups that are connected to a selected structure entry. All maintenance data for the selected maintenance groups will be displayed in this tab as well.

Follow this procedure to find the difference between a serial structure and its template:

Note: For more information on finding the difference between a serial structure and its template, refer to the Compare Structures activity.

  1. Open the Compare Template and Serial Structures window and query (F3) for the template structure and serial structure you want compared.
  2. Compare the structures.

Follow this procedure to find the total measured values for all operational parameters on a serial:

  1. Open the Historical Operational Parameter Values window and query (F3) for the serial you want.
  2. Observe the information. Historical operational parameter values are generated from operational loggings and/or manually entered when an event or work order is finished.