Internal Voucher Entry

[To Parallel Accounting


Use this window to enter different types of manual internal vouchers, for example an interim voucher. You can also modify vouchers that are placed in the hold table but have not yet been updated. After a voucher has been entered in this window, it can be updated instantly to the internal ledger. Vouchers belonging to the following voucher groups can be entered in this window: M (Manual Vouchers), Q (Opening Balances), K (Corrections). For description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link:  Voucher Rows, Header Details.

Activity Diagrams

Create Manual Internal Ledger Posting


Enter Internal Manual Voucher
Copy Internal Ledger Voucher Rows
Copy Existing Voucher in IL Hold Table
Enter Note for IL Voucher
Create Periodic Allocation Information - IL
Update IL Voucher Instantly