Define Assignee


This activity is used to enter information about assignees. An assignee is a person who is connected to one or more queues within one or more support organizations, and responsible for the cases assigned to him or her. Cases are dispatched to the assignees, and the assignees can accept or reject a case, and also complete, close, or re-open a case in the Case window. The accepting assignee becomes the case owner of the particular case.


System Effects

Assignees will be created and cases can be dispatched to them. An assignee defined here can be chosen as the manager of the support organization.  


Support Organization Basic Data

Related Window Descriptions 

Support Organization Basic Data
Support Organization Basic Data/Assignee
Assignee Detail
Assignee Detail/Queues

Assignee Detail/Work Folder
Assignee Detail/Assignee Backups


  1. Open the Support Organization Basic Data window and click the Assignee tab.
  2. Double-click on the lower table to create a new record. (F5)
  3. Enter a value in the Identity field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  4. Select the Default Value check box to set the assignee as default. Alternately, once the record is saved, you can select an assignee,  right-click and then click Set/Unset Default to set the selected assignee as the default; thereby discarding any other default setting. 
  5. Optionally, enter a value in the Supervisor field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  6. Enter a value in the Work Group field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  7. To specify support organizations, queues, work folders, or backups for the assignee, select the row with the relevant assignee, right-click and then click View Assignee Detail. The Assignee Detail window opens. 
  8. On the Support Organization tab, double-click on the lower table to create a new record. (F5)
  9. Enter a value in the Organization ID field.
  10. Select the Default check box if you wish to set the support organization as the default organization for the assignee.
  11. Optionally, add more support organization rows.
  12. Click the Queue tab.
  13. Double-click on the lower table to create a new record. (F5)
  14. Enter values in the Organization ID and Queue fields respectively. Use the List of Values to select suitable values.
  15. Click the Work Folder tab.
  16. Double-click on the lower table to create a new record. (F5)
  17. Enter suitable values in the Name and Description fields respectively. 
  18. Select the Default Value check box to set the work folder as default. Alternately, once the record is saved, you can select a work folder, right-click and then click Set/Unset Default to set the selected work folder as default; thereby discarding any other default setting. 
  19. Click the Backed up Assignees tab. 
  20. Double-click on the lower table to create a new record.
  21. Enter a value in the Backup field. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value.
  22. Save the record.(F12)
  23. Close the Assignee Detail window.
  24. Save the record.(F12)