Fetch Operational Values for Maintenance Date


This activity is used to retrieve historical values for the most recent operational logging (i.e., the operational logging closest in time to the given maintenance date).


System Effects

As a result of this activity, operational values are registered for the event on the maintenance order. These operational values can be updated when you finish the event. For more information on finishing an event, refer the online help file Finish Maintenance Event.


Maintenance Order
Supply Information for Maintenance Event

Related Window Descriptions

Maintenance Order
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str.
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Supply Event Info
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Supply Event Info/Oper Param
Supply Information for Maintenance Event
Supply Information for Maintenance Event/Oper Param


  1. Open the Maintenance Order window and query (F3) for the necessary maintenance order.
  2. Click the Maint. Order Str. tab. In the graphical object structure select the required event, and then click the Supply Event Info sub tab. Note: This procedure can also be performed by using the Supply Information for Maintenance Event window.
  3. Click the Oper Param tab.
  4. Right-click on the table of the window, and then click Suggest Operational Values. The Maintenance Date for Default Values dialog box opens.
  5. Enter a value in the Maintenance Date field.
  6. Click OK. As a result, historical values are retrieved for the last measurement closest in time to the specified date.
  7. Verify the information shown on the Oper Param tab.
  8. Save the record (F12).