Report Operational Logging


This activity is used to register the actual usage of serials. Loggings are based on a start and a finish date, and the defined operational parameters for the part. The system allows operational loggings for events that have occurred provided that the operational loggings are sequential.

It is also possible to report operational loggings (utilization) for a flight directly on a flight log. For operational loggings on a flight, the combination of part number, serial number and operational parameter (if the operational parameter is not found higher up in the selected structure) will be displayed automatically in the operational log information. This allows logging of operational parameters for an entire structure at once, without having to define all operational parameters at the highest level. Further, you can report different values for the same operational parameter on different items within the structure. To know how the structure of the vehicle looks at the time of reporting operational loggings, the structure will be built based on the Take Off Date on the flight. If the take off time is changed on the flight, the structure will be built once again based on the new time entered.

When operational loggings are performed, the system checks whether any structural changes (replacements, disconnects, connects) have been performed in the time interval between the operational logging date/time and the current date/time. This ensures that the operational values are spread on the correct serial structure as they were at logging time. Note that when a zero operational logging is performed to a particular serial structure, no new record will be created in the serial operational log history for the zero value that is saved.

If you are up to date with reporting all finished maintenance events, while at the same time you are not up to date with reporting operational loggings, you may need special handling. When an event is finished the current operational parameter values (for the finish date of the event) or the values you have entered manually are stored on the finished event. When you perform an operational logging later on, the values you enter will be validated against the latest performed event. If the values you enter on the operational logging is higher than the values of the previous performed maintenance or lower than the values of the next performed maintenance an error message will be displayed. If all operational parameter values entered on the finished events (that are between the previous operational logging and the one just been logged), have the same operational parameter values as the previous operational logging select the Auto Adjust Subsequent Completed Mx Event check box in the Serial Operational Information/Operational Log tab.

When operations have been logged by selecting the Auto Adjust Subsequent Completed Mx Event check box, the information used for calculating the next due date is not updated automatically. You need to manually update this information (i.e., update the planned maintenance date or value). To do this, run Change Interval Maintenance as described in the following link >>. Note: This update is only applicable on interval based maintenance events; not modification events.

Note that you cannot enter operational loggings on an earlier date than the date for the previous archiving. If you need to enter loggings on an earlier date than this, you need to restore the archived operational loggings back until the date that the loggings have to be performed.


System Effects 


Serial Operational Information
Flight Log  

Related Window Descriptions

Serial Operational Information/Operational Log
Flight Log
Flight Log/Flight Info
Flight Log/Flight Info/General
Serial Part/Operational Parameters

Maintenance Plan/Oper. Param. per Maint Group

Operational Planning


Follow this procedure to report operational logging for a serial.

  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for a serial for which logging will be performed.
  2. Click the Operational Log tab.
  3. Enter values in the Last From Date and the Last To Date fields for the logging.
  4. Enter a value in Operational Event. Use the List of Values to select a suitable value. If you have entered a value in the Operational Event field, values are required to be entered into the Assigned From and the Assigned To fields. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  5. Enter the location of the serial after the operation is completed in Location Code. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  6. Enter a remark in the Remark field. Entering a value in this field is optional.
  7. In the table, enter a value for either the new Accumulated Value or the Add on Value. If this is an operational parameter to be logged in time, enter a value in the Time Difference field instead of in the Add on Value field. Make this same change for all operational parameter records displayed.
  8. Save the information (F12).

Follow this procedure to report operational loggings for a flight:

  1. Open the Flight Log window and populate (F2) or query (F3) for the relevant flight log number and/or vehicle ID.
  2. Click the Flight Info tab and then click the General sub tab.
  3. Select the required operational plan identity (flight number) from the Operational Plan ID list.
  4. In the table, locate the serial for which operational loggings are to be reported and enter a value for either the new Accumulated Value or the Add on Value. If this is an operational parameter to be logged in time, enter a value in the Time Difference field instead of in the Add on Value field. Make this same change for all operational parameter records displayed.
  5. The values in the Value After Overhaul, Value After Repair, and Value Total fields appear automatically and cannot be changed. If operational loggings are being reported on the first flight in the flight log, the value after overhaul, value after repair, and value total will be retrieved from the operational log.  If it is any subsequent flight in the flight log, the value after overhaul, value after repair, and value total will be retrieved from the previous flight in the flight log.
  6. Save the information (F12).