Project Time Registration/Week

[Project Reporting] [To Project Reporting for Contractors]


Use this tab to register your project related time on a weekly basis.

The following commands are available from the right mouse button:

Show Transactions: Displays the current weeks transactions in the Project Transactions window.

Copy Row(s): This function enables you to copy highlighted transaction rows to other days. When selecting this operation, all information regarding the project structure of the transaction is copied (Project ID, Sub Project ID and Activity). Additional information, such as Price Adjustments, number of reported hours, will not be copied.

Paste Row(s): Select this command when you want to paste the row that you copied previously.

Confirm Week: Sets the status of the selected week to Confirmed. When the week is confirmed, the transactions are approved for Cost Accounting.

Remove Confirmation: Sets the status of the selected week to Not Confirmed.

Tip: If you want to go to a specific day directly in the Day tab, just double-click on the weekday name (e.g. Mon, Tue).

Activity Diagrams

Report Project Time and Cost


Report Project Time
Change Linked Company Activity