Project Product/Demand/MPL
Project Navigator/Demand/MPL
Project Item Navigator/Supply Info/MPL

[About Material Procurement List] [About Part Ownership] [About Project Inventory] [To Project Part Procurement Preparation]


Use this tab to generate and view the material procurement list (MPL) for the delivery project.

The MPL displays all the items that the delivery project requires after the Gross Requirements Calculation (GRC) has been run. Nothing can be manually updated in this form.

By performing the available the menu options, you can calculate the gross requirement, transfer inventory parts, create project supply requests and modify the requested quantity if changes have been done in the project product structure.

Other menu options are available for a project item to be able to go directly to a relevant window or from this tab window. These menu options are Project Item, Inventory Part, Inventory Availability Planning, Purchase Part, Product Structure and Engineering Part Revision.

Activity Diagrams

Plan Project Material Demand
Create Project Delivery Pegged Request
Change Pegged Requisitions


Change Project Product
Run Gross Requirement Calculation
View Gross Requirement Calculation Warnings
Modify Requested Quantity
Create Project Supply Request
Transfer Part To Inventory