Batch Balance ID

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning]


Use this window to view scheduling information about shop orders related to this batch balance (with regard to the given Batch Balance ID). A batch balance ID object within CBS and ABP is a collection of shop orders need to be completed in order to fulfill customer demand while balance the production batches in manufacturing so that whatever quantity produced at up stream is effectively utilized in manufacturing downstream batches. Batch Balance ID is a numeric unique identification number given for the balanced batch.

This window contains three tabs. The Show Status tab indicates whether any of the shop orders are incomplete, unscheduled, assigned, scheduled, released, partially reported, reported, and/or tardy. The Show Contents tab contains detailed information about this balanced batch. The Show Relations tab contains a list of shop orders that are related to this balanced batch. For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: Show Status, Show Contents, Show Relations.

Activity Diagrams

Interactive Scheduling with Advanced Planning Board
Interactive Scheduling with Scheduling Client
Interactive Scheduling with Sequencing Assistant
Interactive Scheduling with Simulation Client


Schedule Shop Orders/Operations Automatically or Using Drag-and-Drop
Highlight Options
Copy ID to Clip Board
Sort Options
Schedule Compress
Schedule Just-in-Time


This window contains:

Batch Balance ID: The Batch Balance ID object for the defined balanced batch. Hold down the shift key and drag this object into the Gannt Chart list box. The Gantt chart then shows the shop orders related to this batch balance.

Show Status

Status: The combined statuses for all the shop orders in this batch balance. The colors represent the possible statuses: Incomplete, Unscheduled, Assigned, Scheduled, Released, Partially Reported, Reported, and/or Tardy. A button to the left of a status indicates that one or more shop orders for this object are currently that status. Double-click on the button to view the list of shop orders for each status.

Start Date: The earliest scheduled start date of all shop orders connected to this batch balance ID.

Finish Date: The latest scheduled finish date of all shop orders connected to this batch balance ID.

Show Contents

Part No : The inventory part number that will is balanced out to different demands.

Part Description : The description of the inventory part.

Order Ref 1 : Depending on the supply type, a reference to the origin is displayed. The order number is displayed for shop orders and purchase orders and for shop order requisitions requisition ID is displayed.

Order Ref 2 : Depending on the type of order, a reference to the origin is displayed. The release number is displayed for shop orders and the line number is displayed for purchase orders. For shop order requisitions the field is empty.

Order Ref 3 : Depending on the type of order, a reference to the origin is displayed. The sequence number is displayed for shop orders. The release number is displayed for purchase orders. For shop order requisitions the field is empty.

Supply Type: The supply type for the base supply to balance. Possible values are: Shop Order Requisition, Shop Order or Purchase Order..

Quantity Due : The total supply quantity of the base supply shop order, purchase order or shop order requisition.

UoM : The part's inventory unit of measure.

EPST: The lowest EPST date of the connected shop orders.

LPST: The latest LPST date of the connected shop orders.

Show Relations

A list of all currently related shop orders required to complete this balanced batch. You can drag and drop additional shop orders into this list ( in simulation mode). Alternatively, you can right-click on a shop order and select Remove to remove it from the list( in simulation mode).