Schedule Order Structures/Shop Orders/Operations Automatically or Using Drag-and-Drop or Using Insert


This activity is used to schedule or reschedule shop order operations, either automatically or using drag-and-drop or insert of operations. This activity can be used to move individual shop order operations or entire order structure at a time. The right mouse button option "schedule" on any object ( for example on an employee) will schedule the related shop order operations ultimately. This activity description therefore valid for any scheduling action which is done for any object as it does schedule the related shop order operations finally. The only exception is, when it comes to resource breaks, the scheduling action on resource break will schedule the resource break object.


System Effects

When a work center resource, labor class person or a tool instance is blocked for use, new operations cannot be scheduled automatically, dragged and dropped or inserted on the blocked resource. Only the operations that are already scheduled in a blocked resources can be re-scheduled (with maintain resource assignment option selected), dragged and dropped or inserted on the blocked resources.


Advanced Planning Board
Simulation Client

Related Window Descriptions

Advanced Planning Board
Simulation Client
Scheduling Client
Batch Balance ID
DOP Header or Interim Demand Header


Automatic scheduling shop order:

  1. On the Activities tab, select the shop order for which you want to perform this activity.
  2. Drag the order into the object table area of the Gantt chart while pressing the Shift key. It will be placed in the object table area with its operations already expanded.
  3. Select the shop order, right-click and then click Scheduling. This will open the Change Schedule window.
  4. Select the required scheduling options from the Scheduling Action(s), Schedule Mode and Resource Assignments areas.
  5. Click OK. The order will be scheduled according to the options selected in step 4. You can see this in the Gantt chart.

Rescheduling operations using drag-and-drop or insert:

  1. On the Activities tab, select the shop order for which you want to perform this activity.
  2. Drag the order into the object table area of the Gantt chart while pressing the Shift key. It will be placed in the object table area with its operations already expanded.
  3. Expand the operation up to the assigned resource level.
  4. Then place the curser on the required operation on the resource and click.
  5. Then move the cursor while clicking to a different time slot on the resource.
    Note: The cursor will turn into a small downward triangle with the letters INS on it..
  6. The operation will be inserted to the time slot on the resource by rescheduling the already assigned operations if there are any.
  7. If you use right click and move, then the operations will be dragged and drop in to a new time slot, and will be rescheduled to occupy that slot if resource and relationship constraints are met.( DRAG-AND-DROP)

Automatic scheduling order structure:

  1. On the Activities tab, select the order structure for which you want to perform this activity ( An order structure could be batch balance id, DOP demand order, interim demand header, or project Id - which are essentially a collection of shop orders). 
  2. Drag the order structure into the object table area of the Gantt chart while pressing the Shift key. It will be placed in the object table area with its child shop orders already expanded.
  3. Select the shop order, right-click and then click Scheduling. This will open the Change Schedule window.
  4. Select the required scheduling options from the Scheduling Action(s), Schedule Mode and Resource Assignments areas.
  5. Click OK. The order will be scheduled according to the options selected in step 4. You can see this in the Gantt chart.
  6. You can click on the order structure itself and schedule the entire order structure.

Rescheduling shop orders and operations of an order structure using drag-and-drop or insert:

  1. On the Activities tab, select the demand order for which you want to perform this activity.
  2. Drag the order structure into the object table area of the Gantt chart while pressing the Shift key. It will be placed in the object table area with its child shop orders already expanded.
  3. Expand the operation up to the assigned resource level.
  4. Then place the curser on the required operation on the resource and click ( scheduling by INSERT).
  5. Then move the cursor while clicking to a different time slot on the resource.
    Note: The cursor will turn into a small downward triangle with the letters INS on it..
  6. The operation will be inserted to the time slot on the resource by rescheduling the already assigned operations if there are any.
  7. If you use right click and move, then the operations will be dragged and drop in to a new time slot, and will be rescheduled to occupy that slot if resource and relationship constraints are met.( DRAG-AND-DROP)
  8. DRAG-AND-DROP scheduling and INSERT scheduling can be performed on operations as well as in higher level objects like shop orders, promise shop orders, DOP Orders, DOP headers, batch balance IDs, or any demand order for that matter. The result would be that the entire set of underlying operations will be rescheduled to a new time slot ( in the case of DRAG-AND-DROP), or will be scheduled to the new time slot rescheduling other affected operations in the case of INSERT.