Change Schedule

[To Make to Stock Planning] [To Shop Order Planning] [To Shop Order Manufacturing] [To Work Order Execution] [To PM Planning]


Use this dialog box to schedule, reschedule, or unschedule operations related to the selected scheduling object(s). You can see this dialog box by selecting an object, right-clicking and then clicking either Scheduling or Unschedule.. This dialog box presents options for different scheduling modes and options for resource assignments. If you choose Unschedule from the menu, this dialog box shows only the options for resource assignments. Once you schedule or unschedule the selected object(s) you have the option to undo the change as long as the dialog box remains open.

Activity Diagrams

Interactive Scheduling with Advanced Planning Board
Interactive Scheduling with Scheduling Client
Interactive Scheduling with Simulation Client
Schedule with Maintenance Planning Board


Schedule Shop Orders/Operations Automatically or Using Drag-and-Drop or Using Insert
Simulate Scheduling Operations Using Drag-and-Drop or Insert
Schedule WO/PM Operations automatically or using Drag-and-Drop or Insert


This window contains:

Scheduling action (s)    (Scheduling option only)

Schedule selected unscheduled objects: Select this check box to schedule any objects in the selection which are in Unscheduled state. 

Reschedule selected scheduled objects: Select this check box to reschedule any objects in the selection which are in Scheduled state.

Reschedule selected released objects: Select this check box to reschedule any objects in the selection which are in Released state. (For Maintenance Planning Board, this is Reschedule selected firm planned objects )

Schedule selected infinite scheduled objects: Select this check box to schedule any objects in the selection which are in Infinite Scheduled state. (For Maintenance Planning Board, this is Schedule selected objects that need rescheduling)


Dispatch Rule

None: Click this to maintain the existing order in which operations are scheduled.

First Come First Served: Click this to sort orders in ascending order of the date they were entered on. The objective of this is to complete work in the order that it was received.

Sort by LPST: Click this to sort orders in ascending order of their latest possible start time (LPST). The objective of this is to minimize average tardiness.

Earliest Due Date: Click this to sort orders in ascending order of their need date.

Prioritize Previous Schedule Sequence: Click this to sort orders by prioritizing the sequence that was previously scheduled. When this option is selected, the Unscheduled Operations, Scheduled Operations and Released Operations check boxes are selected and cannot be cleared. This dispatch rule retrieves the last saved sequence of orders, and uses that sequence as a dispatch rule when scheduling orders in the next automatic loading. Infinite scheduled orders are already scheduled by the infinite scheduler and there the planner can decide whether they should be included or not.

Operation Schedule Mode
   (Scheduling option only)

As Soon As Possible: Select this option to schedule operations as close to their EPST as possible. For project connected shop orders, the planner can specify Activity Early Start Date or Activity Late Start Date instead of the default selection Shop Order EPST. (In Maintenance Planning Board, for Work order or PM action occurrences, this is Requested/Fixed Start.)

As Late As Possible: Select this option to schedule operations as close to their need date as possible. For project connected shop orders, the planner can specify Activity Early Finish Date or Activity Late Finish Date instead of the default selection Shop Order Need Date. (In Maintenance Planning Board, for Work order or PM action occurrences, this is  Requested Finish) .

As Late As Possible with Compress: Select this option to perform a Just in Time schedule and then perform the Compress operation to eliminate gaps between operations. For project connected shop orders, the planner can specify Activity Early Finish Date or Activity Late Finish Date instead of the default selection Shop Order Need Date (In Maintenance Planning Board, for Work order or PM action occurrences, this is  Requested Finish Date).

Operation Resource Assignment
   (Scheduling and Unschedule options)

Re-assign Resource: Select this to re-assign resources while scheduling, re-scheduling, or unscheduling operations.

Maintain Resource Assignment: Select this to schedule, re-schedule, or unschedule operations on the previously assigned resource.

Preferred Scheduling Time    (Scheduling option)

Scheduling logic will try to meet the preferred scheduling times if they are entered.

Start After: Enter preferred schedule start date of operations. The scheduling logic will try to schedule operations after this time. If the EPST of the operation is later than this date , operations will be scheduled after the EPST.

Finish Before: Valid on for As Late As Possible or As Late as Possible with Compress scheduling options. Enter the preferred schedule finish date of the operations. The scheduling logic will try to  schedule operations before this date. If this date is later than the need date, the scheduling logic will anyway try to meet this preferred finish date making the operations tardy. It is not possible to enter a date when operation scheduling  mode is As Soon As Possible. The Preferred finish date will not meet if the time available between preferred start and preferred finish date is not enough to schedule the operation.


Prioritize Critical Work    ( When scheduling critical work orders or PM action occurrence   )

Select this check box to prioritize critical orders in the group of scheduling object. The scheduling logic will give priority to critical work when scheduling.

For Project Connected Shop Orders and Work Orders

(When performing As Soon As Possible scheduling option)

Shop Order EPST: The earliest possible start time for this shop order. This is the time before which it is not possible to start this shop order. (N/A in MPB)

Work Order Requested/Fixed Start: The earliest possible start time for this work order as requested . This is the time before which it should not be possible to start this work order.

Activity Early Start Date: The planned start date of the activity. If the activity is part of a project schedule network and the critical path method is utilized, the early start is the earliest date that the activity can start, based on the network logic, the present date and constraints.

Activity Late Start Date: The latest date that the activity can be started, without delaying the project finish date or violating a schedule constraint, based on the network logic, the project finish date and constraints. When there are values in the Activity Late Date field, the activity is usually part of a project schedule network and the critical path method is utilized.

Note: In a situation where Shop Order EPST or Work Order Requested/Fixed Start falls in future than Activity Early Start Date or Activity Late Start Date, then even if you select Activity Early Start Date or Activity Late Start Date as the criteria for As Soon As Possible scheduling, it is the Shop Order EPST  or Work Order Requested/Fixed Start which acts as the constraint.

(When performing As Late As Possible/As Late As Possible with Compress scheduling option)

Shop Order Need Date: The date on which the material for this shop order should be available.

Work Order Requested Finish: The date on which the service work supposed to be carried out with this work order should be completed.

Activity Early Finish Date: The planned finish date of the activity. If the activity is part of a project schedule network and the critical path method is utilized, the early finish is the earliest date that the activity can finish, based on the network logic, the present date and constraints.

Activity Late Finish Date: The latest date that the activity can be finished, without delaying the project finish date or violating a schedule constraint, based on the network logic, the project finish date and constraints. When there are values in the Activity Late Date field, the activity is usually part of a project schedule


After Scheduling (schedule option for resource breaks only)

Do not reschedule other operations unless necessary: Select this check box to unschedule the resource break.

Reschedule other operations to utilize freed resource time: Select this check box to reschedule relevant operations after scheduling the resource break.

network and the critical path method is utilized.

After Unscheduling
(Unschedule option for resource breaks only)

Leave the affected resource time as unbooked: Select this check box to unschedule the resource break.

Reschedule other operations to utilize freed resource time: Select this check box to reschedule relevant operations after scheduling the resource break.

Scheduling Results:

Before: This chart displays the percentage of early/on-time, tardy, and unscheduled orders that exist in the schedule when this dialog box is opened and before performing any further scheduling or unscheduling. If you are using the Advanced Planning Board or Maintenance Planning Board, this chart is based only on the orders that are loaded to the Advanced Planning Board or Maintenance Planning Board at the time.

After: This chart displays the percentage of early/on-time, tardy, and unscheduled orders that exist in the schedule after performing any scheduling, unscheduling or undo action via this dialog box. If you are using the Advanced Planning Board or Maintenance Planning Board, this chart is based only on the orders that are loaded to the Advanced Planning Board or Maintenance Planning Board at the time.