Report Work Task Steps


This activity is used to update information about execution of work task step. It is possible to set the status of a work task step to Done if the work has been concluded on it and cancel for example if  it is unnecessary or is a duplicate.  Although it is possible reopen a work task step which has already been concluded.


System Effects

As a result of this activity, work task step will be updated with statuses Done, Cancelled or Not Done depending on the action performed in Work Task Steps window.


Work Task
Work Task Steps

Related Window Descriptions

Work Task
Work Task Steps


  1. Open the Work Task Steps window or Work Task/Work Task Steps tab.
  2. Select a work task step.
  3. Right click and then select Status.
  4. Select Done.
  5. To cancel the work step; right-click, point to Status, and then click Cancelled.
  6. The Cancellation dialog box opens.
  7. Click List to select a valid Cause.
  8. Optionally, enter a Cancellation Comment.
  9. Click OK to save the information and close the dialog box.